-------crrLTGr, Castleton Friendship Club met on Monday. Sept. gr, Forty-four members met and played euchre at the town hall. The winners were: lady high. Isabel Lackey; lady lone hand. Edith Brooinfreld; lady low, Mae Forbes; man high, Doreen Blyth; man lone hand. Ken Bellamy; man low, Reg Turk. The travelling prize was won by Reg Turk. _ A thank you the Margaret Friendship Club the end of1991, and the figure has not changed appreciably since that time. said Treasurer/Administrator of the township. Gerry Morrison, at last week's council meeting. Morrison, who took over the administration of the township in June, told council that, according to records, the township's outstanding taxes were about 8.1 per cent until the end of 1990, but the recession and other factors have contributed to increased delinquency since then. (“some CrrauW/J: yaw/46%; _ Cramahe Township had about 13.5 per cent of Its total taxes receivable in arrears at Cramahe Township's planners, Totten. Sims, Hubicki and Associates, are recommending the township set its development charge at $1,379 per single home. By Eileen Argyrls By Eileen Argyris He said, in total. $362,621.60 is outstanding and payable at the present ttme, but part of that amount, he said. is owing for the current year, and will not be counted as "arrears" until after Dec. 31, If It is still unpaid at that time. ‘We are sendirFout arrears notices at the end of next month for the ilrst time since I Development charge of $1 coimed received the Piannem' report last Monday at Its regular session, but has taken no action to accept or reject tte ilgure, as yet. xqecl me ttgure, as yet. Development charges are assessed by municipalities on new development with the essential idea that existing taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for hard and soft services that will be utilized by 13.5% tax arrears in Cramahe CC)MbtsTNti" visit Pt. Hope Summer for the delicious cake for lunch. _ - _ On Tuesday, Sept. 22, 37 members went to Port Hope for dinner at the Legion, which everyone enjoyed. Afterwards euchre was played and the winners were: lady high, Jean Harris; lady lone hand, Edna Pratt; lady low, Elsie McCracken; man high. Ken B_ellamy; man lone hand, Myrtle Puffer; man low, Fred Murphy. c Waylow came," said Morrison, who joined the township staff last March. This is not a situation unique to Cramahe. said Morrison, who told council in his previous position in the clerk's office at the town of Midland. similar arrears percentages, 13 to 13.5 per cent. were experienced in the recession of the early 1980s. Morrison added that the town office "put on a push" to reduce arrears and sent out notices quarterly. By the mid- 1980s, he explained, arrears were down to about 7.5 per cent of taxes collectible. "in good times. there Is no reason why the arrears need to be above itve or six per cent." Morrison said last Monday. However, he added, "You cant put all the blame on the economic times. There has to be some push and shove from council (to collect outstanding taxesl." Said Coun. Howard Whaley, Thirteen and a half per cent la too high. We can't afford it." Caun. George Blyth said he new residents or businesses, As Reeve Doug Gait pointed out last week. "any taxpayer in the township may challenge fills iigure if they think tt Is too ow." Of course, potential homebullders and other developers may challenge the figure' If they think It ls too high. Public meetings wlll be held once council takes action on the report of the planners. Development charges are payable at the time of the issuance of a building permit. erautrmeri Joe Bonura, the townshlp‘s building and bylaw official. TSH, the planners. have Identtfied the following -. M. Allen would like to see what proportion of that amount was outstanding for three years or more. "Council doesnt want to see names," he stressed, "but there have got to be some steps taken, because the other people who are struggling to pay (their municipal taxes) have to carry that [outstanding amount.)" Reeve Doug Galt agreed council would not want to see names of delinquent taxpayers, just ftgures. "it's easier for council to make decisions when personalities are not involved," said the reeve. By Bob Owen Winless heading into game four, the Keith Olan team finally posted its flrst win in the Colborne Thursday Night Dart League, nipping Lloyd Marcellus. The Oct. 8 match was a spirited affair, with the lead chavgmgfw t!rnysy _ -. Wanda Carr led for the Clan Wisks with a respectable 42. Lloyd Marcellus topped it with a 43, but Ivan SUckle shot the Wisks into the lead with a 77. Blyth said he would like to see a report as soon as possible from the administrator to tell council how much had been outstanding for how [ong. He aiifi7rad with Morrison that. after three years of non- payment, improved properties may be registered for tax sale, and vacant land may be seized by the township alter only two years of non-payment. components in arriving at the total development charge: CI roads and reconstruction, $631 D roads equipment. $46 LI roads buildings, $407 CI parks, recreation and culture, $280, a municipal administration. $15. Olan takes first win A 68 by Nat Black brought the Marcellus four to within eight. Kathy Gzik outdarted Olan by a single point on her next toss to tighten the game further, and Marcellus recaptured the lead momentarily: . ,37 9: study But, back up to the line stepped Stickle. An 80 vaulted the Wisks back into the lead. Shirley Reddom outduelled Black 50-47 on the next turn. In preparing a development charges study. municipal needs and patterns for the past 10 years are taken into consideration and an estimate is arrived at based on these, for what it will take to maintain an acceptable level of service for the Immediate future. 2 5/74, but again Gzlk outpolnted Clan by one, this Ume. 46-45. - . . ' 77, -rst, Wm. v, ...._. w“ W" _ In the closing tosses, with Marcellus seeking a stx and Olan a 15, it was Olan who fir1ally won out with a three- double-six. The loss evened Marcellus' record to two-and- two on the night.