On one of the few sunny Saturdays In this summer Of 1992, Kristen Joan Fawcett, dar5ghter of iUrihurnberland. MPP Joan and her husband Bob Fawcett of Colborne, married Peter Dalia, son of M.P.P.’S daughter weds Olympic athlete _------" 2ireieleee--s- , y') u ir, "r',ii)'itt, " T ' ttWitt k " l _ "M .' r w“. iw. 4 ~21; e - “bk " v T ak tlt& Rtail l ' 7 x .. NX e Ef " x;- . . E'ialt ' Mt » " 3", It? , £;.'4?§4; q ' _ Java) IMI, _ f :3: KF' - ’ i,iici:iMt I .9 r as» r'li',rfyrrs/ 7 (yi'" Newly married Eileen Argyrls 12d -- Kristen Fawcett, daughter of MPP Joan Fawcett and her husband Bot came the wife of Peter Dajia of Toronto Saturday at St. Manfs Church, Grafton Pht {AW 0 ’09 Cigar!) g cu_s_su.i.chs:.let:a.,, c, Oc", ' few sunny r Sophia and Frank Dajla of Toronto. Aug. 22. The wedding took place In St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. Grafton; ofiiciant was Rev. John Keeler. Esgéiilad down the aisle by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white Errata with i",, oversklrt of Organist for the 3 p.m. nuptial mass was/tHe bride's cousin, Kiersten Drynan. and vocal soloist was another cousin of the bride, Matthew See Newlyweds Page 3 pearl- and sequrn-stusided net. a IO-foot taffeta and lace train and a crown and pearl- trimmed net veil. After a honeymoon in Elmhirst Lodge, the couple will reside in Toronto. A reception and dinner followed for the 200 wedding guests at Golden Beach Resort, Harwood, on Rice Lake. On leaving the reception the bride wore a fuschia suit and blouse, trimmed with black, with a black hat and veil and black patent {umps and purse. Kristen grew up in Colhhrne, attended Colborm Public School, East Nc)rthurntvrland High School and York University. She is a teacher at St. kargaret-hiary's Catholic elementary school in Woodbridge. The groom is employed by the Scarborough Board of Education as a supply teacher in all subjects at the secondary level, but is a specialist in physical education. He recently represented Canada at the Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, placing thh in the men's shot put event. LEWLYWEDS Osborne. Groom's attendants WEE his brother Matthew as best man, Amdy and Tim Fawcett, Ivrothers of the bride, and Louie Tsatsanis, friend of the groom. continued from page I)