' Alanna Galt pllpti,,tr,,,,,1,., _rrssiteys.ar-sr.yr-'ts, Alanna Gait. youngest daughter of Cramahe Reeve Doug Galt and his wife, Cathy, has been chosen one of 700 from among 8,000 applicants for the Up with People progam. pluymu. Gait, who is a graduate of ENSS and is attending the University of Guelph, is one of 10 Canadian representatives in the 700-member touring complany representing 25 countries that will travel the "V ma - . old concept born of the peace- and-love mentality of North American young people in the 1960s. Carrying on that tradition of international brotherhood, Up with People chooses its successful applicants from among those who are talented in the performing arts, since this is a travelling performance, but, more importantly. from among young people who demonstrate outgoing. "people" personalities. last week. Gait explained to . ' .., Ll- world Gti, Up with People next She explained that. to cover her travel expenses, she worked two jobs this summer and held a yard sale and a qullt raffle. She has also approached local service iilubs for donations. And, she requested the support of the _ ,.I --rq-.. that mm an». Wer_-e . Cramahe council. while her father declared a conflict of interest and vacated the table, that this will be a "unique educational experience" for her. lcqunatyu FP.- --F"% township council, saying that she has performed community services ngm at home m Sa\em. helping wtth satem Up with People is a 25-year- Sunday school and Brownies and voluntarily looking after the community flower beds every year. She was also a member of the Razz-ma-la" singers from ENSS that perform at communlty functions. Up with People. according to the literature she provided for uit.. Up with People council. is not just a touring musical and dance performance. but a offers a "cross-cultural education." and provides young people with an opportunity to mix with a diverse group, travel to foreign countries and engage in unique opportunities for community service. Five international casts will spend 11 months touring in the effort to "build understanding among nations." While on tour the company will be staying in the homes of 30,000 volunteer families around the world. Coun. Jun Williams congratulated Call on being selected for Up with People. He said he has had the chance to see the performance a few times and is very impressed with it and with the aims of the non-political. non-religious organization. _ A . ' «A “sangâ€... All of council expressed good wishes to Galt. but when it came to commuting township money, they decided against it. - "Ln. " Mum], ms, -_i""-" - Said Conn. George Blyth, "I will personally support you." but he added that this year's budget has already been set and there is no provision for this. Coun. Howard Whaley said he, too, thought Up with People sounded like a worthwhile venture. however, he pointed out that. if the township supported this, council could be inundated with requests from other students in the community wanting scholarships or like grants. In the end, council, under the chairmanship of Deputy Reeve Stu Oliver. In the absence of .Reeve- can, voted to give Hanna " letter of support to lake mm her. but there wnl be no grant or money. tt o! EAST yo K711 AMI/3 MAM/D Sam’- Ilru Boards Station Sale Barn Market Report for Aug. 25, 1992. - _ mm m: "mun. Hoards Station Market Report By D. F. YOUNG Northumberland farms earned $1 00,000,000 Every tive years Wan Iamtexs an: mun-m w a... y... ___ __- . . as the Farm Census. Results of this census have been tabulated with various reports in the process of being released over the next two mounts. Here are some of the agricultural statistics as reported by Agriculture Canada. . A total of 68,000 farms were counted in the 1991 Census tn Ontario: Nutty- seven percent reported cattle other than dairy with 16 percent seportmg dairy. _ A - . Ae _--.. a“... a.†some“; ten and 399 “cym- w. '""'W' --. Bob Calves: good 90 - 105. Lop 110 - 140, sales to 155.00; Calves: 100 to 150 lbs., good 105 - 1.38, lop 1.40 _ 1.76; sales to 1.80; 150 to 400 lbs.. good S6 _ 1.14; 10p 1.15 - 1.30, sales to 1.31; Stacker Steers: 400to 600 lbs., good 86 - 99, top 1.00 - 1.10, sales to 1.21; 600 to 8001bs., good 82 - 93,top 94 - 100, sales to 1.03; 800 to 1000 lbs.. good 80 - 91; top 92 _. 97; sales to 98; Stocker Heifers: 400 to 600 lbs., good 80 - 91, top 92 - L00, sales lo 111.50; 600 m 800 lbs., good 77 - 93, top 94 _ 97. sales 101.01: Cows; good 50- 56 top 57 - 63.50; sales In 65.50: Bulls; Lop 62 - 68. sales to 70; Springer Cows: good 750 - 1025; top 1050 - 1200, sales ro 1280.00; Fresh seven percent reported cattle other than Cally wnu “f raw-- "r'W - _ Eighty-two percent of Ontario farmers reported farm mm between ten and 399 acres with only ll p;ercent over 400 mm. . . 'Neaty-severt percent reported a gross farm income In execs of $100,000 tfe 29.6 percent reported gross incomes of $9,999 or lessAbout 50 peromt tt e farms generated $25,000 gross income. . In Northumberland, the total number of farms was reported as 1514;315:133: gross farm recept of approximately S114.9(X),000. Fifteen percent mpo lay 000 under $2,500 while approximately 20 percent reported sales m excess ors . with 28 mm!“ s?les m excess of 5500.999; “mt... at the. cases across live five earsCanadianf an: nimdmmke inttmtexemistmPm1 vrry y y - - .mefiu Ely.?, 5.". “mandated with various WM 115 reponmg gross sales m excess m wwmw. Individual or family farms were reported in57 percent of the any: 32:5: Ontario. while another 25 p;ercent were spewed as partresll.e WI tl ems agreements, and a Miller 9.9 percent were partnership with 1'iieUl'f,'i','l t were Only 7.4 percent were operated as family nonrandom, whllel- percen o ted as non-family corporations. . peg/er 28,000 farms reported alfalfa or alfalfa mixtures whrle over 19.890 reputed other lame hay. menu-one thousand and “$31.20!“: {wifm Tlg', reputed pmer lame nay. lwenly-one mousana anu “my-um. “an... ",7 - com. while soybeans were grown on 14,678 farms, and silage com on 11,097. Data from the Census Oyefgipyrgf 99min: Agriculture (catalogue 93848) can be Giered by phoning 1-800-267-6677. Cows: good 700 _ 775, lop 800 - 975, sales to 1020; Pigs: 25 lo 35 lbs; 14 - 27.75; 35 to 40 lbs., 18 - 26; Shams: 22.50 - 28.50: Saws: 28 - 3425; Boats: 23 _ 23.25; Top Stocker Steers: 400 to 600lbs.8st.4601bs.ti? 1.21, John Scheepstra, Colbomc; 600 to 800 lbs. 795 lbs. @ 1.00, Lee Dckeyscr, Colbome; Top bob calf: 105 lbs. o 1.80, Ralph carrsle,Stirring; Top Calves: 150- 400 lbs. 315 lbs. © 1.31. John Scheepstra. Colbomc; Top Cows: 1550 lbs. © 63.50, Gard Hubble, Frankfort}; Top Springer: $128000, John Fox, Bloomfield; Top Fresh Cow: $1020.00, Stuart Hutchins. Mississauga; To? Figs: 4 pig? av. 28 lbs. tg) 27.75, E. Brossma, Hastings.. Barn open every Monday until 10:00 pm. Sale every Tuesday at 12:00 noon.