m NOTES Quote;“It isn’t mountains ahead that wear you out, It's the grain of sand in your shots". ,W. W. - Mrs. Susie Mensen, Guider, Mrs. Diane Thomas, Brown Owl, and Melinda Mensen, Lee-Anne Jones, Sherrie Greig and Many Akins attended a workshup Saturday at St. Mary's School, Calming, along with about 200 other area Guides and Brownies. It was a day of hm, crafts, games and music, Bum. '__-__ _eeee_iet The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Peter Davis and family on the passing Sunday of his mother, Mrs Marian Davis." Mrs. Jean Papinenu and Mrs. Ma Devine attended the 18th Annual Meek ing of the Cobourg Presbyterial held at Port Hope 11.0. on Wednesday. Special speaker was Mrs. Nancy Hardy, Mission Study Editor of the United Church, Canada who spoke on “Missions through Music". Mrs. Evelyn Redpath. conference president was present. Tad- ies from Welcome did a skit, "A Touch of Humour", and a ladies trio from Port Hope provided music. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Devine visited Mrs. Devine's sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carroll, in Windsor for several days last week. - -- . . u. up. "Lu acvunm mug “M "W... Mrs, o. Carr visited Mr. and Mrs. Phil Forsythe, Wooler, on Sunday. . -. wet .,,._n._. u K'lvc9r""" "Wm, Feee V7,, " Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. N. Usher were Mrs. Joan Chalovich, Graf- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley, Wicklow, and Mr. German Young of Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garden and family of Sudbury, Mass., have been visiting Fred and Marion Greenly far Five days. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chorney and daughter, Jennifer, of Scarborough were guests of the Greenly's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Buchegger and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. K. Pram. Unbourg. Mr. Trevor Devine spent last week at the home of Colin Devine in Oshawa. Don't forget 'abuut the Games Night the Wumen's Institute is holding Wed- nesday evening, March 12 at the Castle- ton Town Hall. You are to bring a box lunch for one and wear green. Another upcoming event is the Pot- Luck supper and service Sunday evening at 6:30, March 16 at the Cramahe Baptist Church. _ _ - . . .\ - "$5.. â€mun _ For a night of music for the whole family, mark your calendars for Sunday, April 27, 8 pan. when the Jerusalem Singers of Canningwn will be at the Trinity Church, Cobourg. Around Castleton 13 girls present. The president, Cathy' Jones, opened the meeting and thttgirls repeated the 4H pledge. They discussed 7 and answered questions on blertders, and & SCHEDULED EVENTS energy-saving appliances‘ The girls then ___-___ 7 ___ 7 7 learned procedures for the making of PLACE W h'L: HOURS Crepes and had the enjoyment of whip- -_______- - __-" - __ J'. ping some up. They made two types, . dessert Crepes which had a tBling of hot 4: il unauwwrw W, V apple and cinnamon, and snack Crepes which contained ice cream and were covered with cherry sauce. The end results were tasted and enjuyed by everyone present. On Wednesday, March 5 the 4H club members, The Morganston Country Cooks, met at the home of leader, Mrs. Helen Clarke. The girls got quickly to work and learned how to make chicken cacciatore. It was simply prepared and very tasty. They also learned how to make tortillas and tacos as wnilla parties are very popular at this time. The girls learned the importance and purpose of the Canadian Standards Association mark of approval for many household appliances. Roll call was answered by telling of the stir-fried recipe made at home] ever did was a veteran of the Korean Trophy winners were the team of and district levels. This prevents over~ munity. Ernie Smith and Band, il sort of ton Thomas, Of "Blood, sweat and Brighton received the bye by virtue nf a better paint differential and would The Annual World of Prayer Service was held Friday at the Castleton United Church. This year's program was written by Christian women of Thailand on the theme of “Responsible Freedom†to- wards one's self, for our families, and towards society. Mrs. Jean Papineau was in charge of the service and was assisted in readings by Mrs. G, Ellis, Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. E. Gaudaur. Mrs. J. Osborne, Cynthia Buchegger and Mrs. H. Buchegger. Miss laurel Arkils sand the solo, "Did you stop to pray this morning?" Following the ser- vice lunch was serviced by Mrs. Jean Papineau and *rs. Irene Osborne. The Morganston Country Cooks 4H Club met Saturday afternoon, February 20 at the home of Mrs. Reta Jones with with Joyce Buchegger 344-7870 - - Wm 12-! tt) @310 0 If,