MGM HOURS SERVI JOLUME E Petite, charming Mrs. Darling still Crnds pleasure in playing the piano, which she does very well, and both she and Mr. Darling have been active in church work over the years, Mr, Darling having sung in the choir for more than 50 years. :24 The Darlings had four children: Helen of Kingston, Lorna of Toronto, son Ivan who passed away in 1959, and Earl of Lake Cowichan, B.C. There are l0 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. In reply to the inevitable in 1960 moved to their present home in Castleton. Mr. Darling has been connected with municipal matters for 40 years in various capacities andjust recently retired the post of clerk-treasurer of Cra- mahe Township. any. “Hum“, this being 10 years before church union. They owned and operated the Morgan, stun General Store and post office for 42 years and and Mrs. Lorne Darling on - the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. T About 200 friends, neighbours and relatives gathered on this happy day to greet a most remarkable couple, A reception was held Sunday afternoon, Feb- ruary 24, at the Castleton Town Hall to honour Mr. ".4 .._, . - V Lorne and Lily (nee Massey) Darling were both born in the Morganston community and were married in 1915 at the home of the bride by the Reverend Alfred Spargo, the Methodist minister, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Darling Celebrate 65th Anniversary Amohg-the gugsts-waus 98 year old Mrs. Gertrude (e: ' ""'eee W...“ The Darlings were pleased to have MPP Russell Rowe present and he presented a lovely plaque from Ontario's Premier William Davis. They also received a telegram from Bucking- ham Palace from the Queen, greetings from Prime Minister Trudeau, - Tee _..W.. "a; beautifully decorated and the loo daffodils brought from British Columbia by son Earl and Marjorie Darling brought a bright touch of spring. There were also many lovely roses and potted plants. - - "TWmbWb bavr you attribute your long, happy marriage?", Mr. Darling replied that "we have just worked at it." He said, "lt doesn't matter what you do in life, whether you operate a farm, run a business, are an ofiicer in the army, in order to succeed you have to work at it, and it's the same in marriage!" the Darlings then have obviously "worked at it" but in such a way that to the onlooker they have made the work look easy. question "To what do you nth-€Kno,‘ m, . . r at It, and it's the The Darlings are an n marriage!" the example and inspiration to lgS then have all whoknowthem,and we :ly "worked at it" join the others in wishing inch a way that to them God's continued locker they have blessing. we work look easy. TVV. ___ -----F- - ___ - Town Hall was Massey of Brighton, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Darling. Mrs, Massey was unable to attend the wedding 65 years ago because she had atiny two- ;day old son at the time, but both she and her son, Don and family, were present Sunday. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, THURSDAV . nECEMaER, 1981 -------u=t-"= i 9 ME ylxs 80 Ffrr-] mu