4. Revsgnr. Ream“, of tuinpNylltord, gave in 'interesting sermon in the Us1itetr(.41h1prehl. on Sunday evening, in the absence'of the Pastor Rem. M. L. Hinton, who" was atténding Con: ference. - _,' , _ _ i V _ C _ Mr. and Mrs) Tait and family: of Petefboro; suurhrr., and Mrs.. Allen of Edmonton visited. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stillman on Monday; also Mrs; 'R. Stillman, who returned to Peterboro with them.,, . J' ,f, _ _ 'orrs.rr., C. ngen and son, Bert, have tltjtivtrrird home. V after spending the 'ptiirt/rweek/tsrit1i 'her lytphurr, ICry. antrNtp. Syd Matters; Tirons. Dont) forget the special services in thei3phrisiian Missionary ,Alliance every Mgltt at 720 Jhttt., eondaeted by Messrs.fpNtsil1 and Marshall of Edin, 'burgh,9cotliurii._ C " T . Mr. and Mtg; Frank Carr 6t Brig)r ton, Miss Myrfte Lawson of Vernon- ville, Mr; and Mrs. L. Lawsoii and IVIrs..Law,sbn sr. of Morganston spent Sumra_iin'withryrr." Arthur E. Jones; Mrs.. Curtis is visiting herldaugiht- er at Nptran.ee _We are glad to know that Mrs.' Curtis is math improved and isutyre to Walkamumdu f, r', V Mr. ipiir, Mrjs.r/rariutyr ot Herald and Mr. anirs MiTcft1tairple of Thomasburg, were muons pr: Mr. and Mrs. Etgie Moore/i/par' Wedatitsday of last week. Mrs; James. Findlay has returned to her home in Meyersburg, after Spend ing last week .with/ her father, Mr. George Pdmeroy. , V _ Mrs. -ff.Eddy,r Mr. John Eddy. and family-bf Dtmdonald spent Sunday with Mrs Eddy'svdaugpter, Mc, and Mrs. Harry Pbmeroy. The w, M. s., met at‘the home of Mrs. .hTelstm 9n Thursday afternoon ot last'wesek. A good number of ladies were trresept., r _ . _ rMissrjquetmorr Wolfraim and Mists Dora ‘Farreblv have returned home, after. amending fhp past week with. friend‘siin, Toronto; v _ -, Rev."'ir.,'A(" Bennett, was the guest preacher "at the" Friends’ Church in Woolen pn'Sunday evening. A good numtkrC,jytt.eiiat,rii, The Wooly, choir mmishga . 551199151, _/music, and Miss 1iureemrr1ypltneebiire a so,1d. 3, T T The 'itiiiie tiiikiiiiis' of Mrs, miiyruce Dawsoggg "w,ertj1piured to pstaf, that, she wag, @1925 tomreturn home Efrom Ctmomrii,,', gangrai: Hospital Cop Thury darotuirstv,yrep1r; sitter a 1ng 13153935 there. rf,ittkrmri'rl 551111 be , confined to her beggjfgtugg mphtb.Jire 3a11_vwi&h tor a speedy _,rtyptpveTYr, _ e" 'i-s, v: C . {Miss Gertie Pomeroy '. of, Mona“) spent Sunday and Monday Wm bar infants, Arr, antrMrrs. John Pgmer‘oy. Mrs, Belinda, {Aldrich pf Wight; Kansas, has been visiting sit"this name exters. Durward Allen the, past; week. Miss isobgl Harttden of 1'trrmtto Normal School visited her tttttttis, Mr. and Mrs. Ziba .I-Iagndef; this Week. ",,r. E . Mr. H, Allay ot Gilbert Phi/Brand {sis-haw Mm rragrtitheuvausecaefcrgti "liiitttttit called onnMrrand Mrs, Eurrt'sr,iiJ,teiciilt?,, recently. . iifrfrrCtr,t'i,iis"s: Mr. Arnold ~01m§stead, teadj'tririit Bancroft pchoolr spent the wjiiykiutd with his parents, Mr. and Riffs. A. Olmstead. \ C t †', Mr. and Mrs. Spraigee am? Jessie Warner of New York; weekend visitors of Mr. and, Abe Warner. C T _ T L Mr. and Mrs.' David 1tiixshiti, enter. tained a number of friends m honour of his ItrthPt..frtr Monday gelling. Children-is, Dam: will: 1:trerr:otrherved next Suattay,.izt thtrptrite.d march at 11 amur.'Rtete will be; trims and, tiowt 91‘s toavetrttsrtaMrr thxuse2ii1drettcct:ymtis early and, 633061th dar, _ “Then; will Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harnden and two children of' Gramn spent Sun- day with Mr. and-Mrs. H. Walton. C Mrs. Ken. Butpmervil1e and three children spent: Wednesday with her parents, Mrs-and Mrs. F. I. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. 'mn. "Graham- and son Ronald visited her mother, Mrs. Andrus, on Sunday. _ ' Mr. Hugh Mallory of Toronto spent a few days last week withmis grand- mother, Mrs. Gerow. ', '- ps/ _ _ . "; ,Mr. and Mrs; Ross Whitney ot Salem called On his sister, MIKE. C. Daisott, on‘Sunday. 1. _r,'"v"ec Mm H. Eddy-and Bott.ot, Régs;enea,th were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. _TT'rightman. T C Mr. and Mrs. J, Nelson otAcademy Hill, called on Ifer, sister; Mrs; Her- man Lane, on Strmfay, -. ,‘ ', Mrs. riMarvht ANutter rorir'ttoitxrizse, Arent the, weekend ‘wiph M; ELDavid Gunter." . _ ', _ _ ", 'T _ Miss Mfmnie . Naish ,0; Norham visited her’parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Naish, over the weekend, 'Mr. and, Mm. W. Mayhee of Brigh- ton visited at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lathrope, on Sunday. 'ers. Dome Haynes was able to re- turn tuhng from Belleville Hospital last week and is much improved. -- ")ll,ir Bruce Bryant and ion, Salem, came on her mother, Mrs. C. Whit- ney, on Sunday, V - ms; "deriiGili. /iiiaidii" (rt hshawa, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. J-Newman. Miss Grape winn,6t Coboggvg called on Mr. and Mrs.per1x1isrLathrxrpi,uiis day recently. . 1; ' _ . q Mr. ,and' Mrs. Hukae anf family of Morgagristms seut Sunday with min-and Mm. Ohas. Nichols. T Mr/ and Mrs. Harry Lane kind daughter Leona' . Aritrited" with “Mr. Arthur E. Jones on.FNday. / Mrg.,Walter Bltugs of .Reufrew spent Wlednesday of last _week, with Mr. and Mrs. E1gitrioore., l ', q Mr. _ and Mrs.' Hattin Art spent Sunday with Rev, and A. _Bepnett. A 7 i Remember the Castleton :‘W.I on Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Putter." Ca r,". . , e; k _', - Mr.'. and Mugs. Hattotr of Hiltgn trpent Sunday' With Rev. and tyrs."'." A. Benn-att__ F w u _ ", f); A ' j _' -' ,' Jun§9tgwisxas Mr. and Mrs. Jitiiisis Hohetirep1 vis. ith friends in. Caanpbe11ford (om San, day. ' 7 ' "r"r' . Miss Atyyseu ot Oshawa is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrp. Harry Pomeroy; ': 's'. an n _ . q ' -r" 2 r Paurertirtir:e, Miss were Mrs. ilton Cotwener--Mrs., F. Isaac. _ Paiiepr-The Béauty ot, Friendship. 'Ro1rCalr-r-Ny favorite hymn. a; 1'aIier--Home 'Beautification, _ Extiibit--ubemott pie-Prizes, _' _ »%MARCH,_' Convtmer--Nrs. Geo. McIntosh. Paper-Waking a house a home Contest-- T T "e _ _ " Roll Call-My best bargain. _" .Socia) Evening in ToWn Hall Exchange of Clhirstmas gifts. Coamyner--wMiiss H. Bowditch. . _ "JANUARY F _ _ _ "Lite is, a garden,.it bears what you praC- sow.†T q C _ ; _ Ctyrwener--Nrs'. E.rGrti1g.". _ _ ', Paper-How to make the best of What the home maker. _ Roll Gall-Shaw or tell ot a useful household gadget. Exhibits-Articles made from old: - I' stockings-Prizes. Demonstration-Preparing a tow]. a;;‘ NOVEMBER C _"- _ C Patriotic Day T “O‘Canada, we stand on'guard for ' thee.†_ __ _ _'., Corwener---Mrs, D. Dingwall. F."rs Home---Nrs. B. M. Purdy. Address-How we are goverruyd--Niss Mae ,Mulholland. C Roll Ca1lr-Name a Cabinet Minister. Community Singing-The JMapie, Leaf, Contest-prizes.. ," _ _ C n _ .- . you have. '4. ' f"w V " RoTCt.ur--frow. to amuse children on " ','r ' a rainy day. 7 be abaptismal. service and the cradle roll will be called, when all the little ehildrerrreceive a f1oier./ _ _ _ l V Rev. J. A. Bennett has started a Sunday School in Bush’s School in the morning at}; o'Nock. We are tttad to hear that the number has, in- creased from 36 to 50. '. The Secret Club held its weekly' meeting at the home of Maurice and Douglas Chattersorr.' The, programme was in charge ot 1irltwood Moore, as follows: Reading, a'Violet .Burleigh; Solo, George Moore;;Readdng-, Eileen Whitney; . 2 Sch, ', Pauline Burleigh ',. Reading; Maurice . Chattereonw an“; Club Paper was- read «by )mwood Moore. Therest'mt-‘the evening was spent in playing games, renewed: try 'thli‘ Molntos‘h." ', m-), r'" y:" ', Paper-A daughter's duty in the T - henna. ‘ Exhibit-Hone made candy (5 pieces) Rtril Call-An important thing in a _ girPtsWoearaztee, _ " ., _ ",rAUtatJtrT l - ' ( Health and Babies'tay V ' “She 1iveth'slorrg, who liveth well." Home-airs, C.__, Inglis; C V _ .' Coryveutt-iMm,-' G. Carr. V . _ c, Tbpie---The resporrgttittity of the . , .Insstit’ute in promoting pumic " 'EactufJ'it--ih amp-er dish; j f j, APRIL. _'vr:" " Business Meeting, Election of Officers Ron (tUlu-ary favorite rtraarkr tor a _' 1 "iesirCrimtrbti11, _ 1 _ _ Papat-9rome, the anchor ot, our l _ National life. 's, _ f liol,1 Cali-Where ‘1 attended school. _ ExhiNt-di'artcy work done by grand: mother. Prizes. Assembly, singing 'cu, ' OCTOBER CottTrener---uMrg. P. Warner. Paper-UMW/re-Its value in education. Papetr-r-Brealr the monotony, or break V JULY v" " . - ' Girls' pay, . “Be good sweet maid and let who will be clever.†Ho.me--'Mrs, H. Welton.- VV Convenertss-Mis8es_ E Wolfraim and Cdiifetiiirrir-_hrrss:' 1W“; 1pisttrtitriitlxtri' “Because right ig right, V to follow , . right‘were wisdom, in the scorn At c, otconsequence.†_ , Home-Mrs. Pufter, . T _ Convener-cis. Ethan Bush., _ Report ot Districr,Annua1. -' Paper-'9reen Victoria.†" _ Rir11 Carr-uses ot Honey. . V Conte9t--attizeg, _ T President-Mrs. C Lewis' Palmteer 1st vice-Pres-cars. Gordon Carr 2nd -vicrycPres.--Mrs. H. Welton 1hs:cv-1rrreass,--iMtns.yohu Stillman ' . Ihianch DirectxrrssituMri F. Black; l Mrs. Mr-Nelson, Mrs. S. M. Fundy, V Mrs. Edgar Bush. District Director-Miss H. Bowditch Piknist--/Mrs. S. M. Purdy _ Lookout Committee-Mrs. I. Ghent, Mrs. Ethan Bush, Mrs. Ted Black, Mrs. H. pay. _ Press Riybortera---Nrs: F... Warner, Mrs. C. .Whitney. . Auditor/Mrs. M. Harnden and, _ Mrs. C. .McKague. Sunshine Cotomittershrisss E. WpL irrai‘m, Mrs. G. Weltony Missd R, ' McIntosh, Mrs. PF. =Isa‘a-c,- Mrs} Theo Jones. C -.,' ". H: _',,' Nd4envy a sour “the :mind; "v sr"' But each shall seek the common _ «weal, _" , - -, 'r, The good of all mankind. A . V sweet. . . _ _", 'y rl Nor aims the radiant light, :3, "-, _ N ( unkind Word: Dur' lips shall" ptss,f Every Second away cilia}: Month f "i" C _ at 2.30o.m. V 7 t , INSTITUTE ODE, f w , _ iAfgoodly‘ thing it mm" meet. l" V . In friendships circle bright, ’ C Where nothing stains the pleasure C __" was y" g3; _,--riit'ristvv,ss, Motto: "rise Home and Counir; H V . ' C _ __ _ s,‘ WE'LL BE GLAD To SEE YOU EAS'rss,, _ WOM E N’S k _ DECEMBER FEBRUARY OFFICERS JUNE 'Mr. Claude Langford and friend of Colborne visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Russell on Sunday. I, _ T . .Mr, and Mrs.. Garnet Coffey tartiily of Cobourg visited their e‘ntzs‘hene on Sunday. _ "_', , ' "Mr. and Mrs. John Btilt and daught- er of Woofer visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coffey, on Sunday. 3A young man who won an Arts Sigholarship in Vi-enna7has been Tris, "i' trg relativeg in the neighbourhood 'iiti; has told many amusing and int. (ttsting incidents of the ways of liv- tfur in that ancient city. Por 'tnstaperer , ,iutpggiit?r%aittssahify, 001153313? ')i,t,,t'1"tt,er. custom the lady balls for the rli'i):s)rt1enan and accompanies him to "tjyyiar destination,. returning home by hymn. ( Mr. Richard Matthews -of New York renewed old acquaintances here this week. V ' _ -," "" _' Mr. and Mrs. Ames of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irvine.“ i, c- _ _ "rtisss Margaret Coffey of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Thom Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. J?. Tamblyn‘ and tanr ily spent the weekend with friends in Lindsay. l _y"' . _ Mr., and Mrs, Bert Kernaghan and daughter, Jeane of Ctibaurg visited his parents, Mr. and Jdrtri W. G. Ker. naghan, on Sunday. In the absencemf the Pastor, Rev. C. G. Graham, .B:A.,'th-e' Sunday even- ing service wag" conducted by Rev. Arthur Hale of Cohbirrne.' , _ "iMembers of St, Andrew's Presby- “man congregation of Grafton and -fistrnonTille, surprised ihe newly Weds, Atcr. and Mrs. P. W. Rixonrorn Mon- day evening last," when they met tigem in the evening and presented them with a chair to ‘matoh the one presented“ them by the community the "week before. A suitable address was read by Rev. C. G. Graham (who said he offered. to read _it that he might prove to the young ladies present he could still read without giasseirf and" ’Mr.. ‘Max Creighton made the presentation. A happy social time was spent and a good lunch enjoyed and T all' went home leaving behind best wishes tor years ot hap- piness to Mr. and Mrs. Rixon. Miss M. Gaul of Toronto visited rel- atives hereon Sunday. _' r" _ T Miss J. MoDougau of Cobourg vis- ited friends here on Sunday. _ Mr. Wm. Hoyle of Colborne visited his daughter,, Mrs. H)prry Kirk, on Sunday. ,' V _ ; C C The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Col» trorte,Prtmth of the Canadian Legion meiriit'lthe home of9rrs."Brn1ce Warn- er tm Wednesday 'itlght'.r"." . . were is nothixigâ€, like. a) budget 01311318 an experimenter, to make you Malia how muph'rorspemt for what little you get. wi, -", 'r,rvy' C F a (ktieatrhtne1t. 'r'atrneitrmeetirur MIL-she an amateur progTaimMe at the Itottrkr-ot .Maurice and Douglas Chat- termn, on Friday" eve/ring.! "Admission 6e aitd IOC. .,_,'.' "'i'r 1â€": " Mn. Curt Ventress in: Haliblirbon visited relatives here last week. Mr. Yentress is very) enthusiastic of the. beauty of Wilburton in we summer tftpe, and apparently has mo inten- ttou oriettrrnhsg home at present. C gt ir Mm. Fred Darling, .and démghteh EShia-ley visited Mrs. Jews; Dartherrn 'iFedrrtysd;Ay.' ':"-' r". a mr-.',' I r-" We .ame-sorry to learn that Miss Lawson has resigned her position as wanker of No. 14, but we are glad. to learn she is not going tar away. _ C Farmers and gardeners welcomed the copious rainfall of last week; as the grain fields were at a stand/still for 1ack'tyrmoisture. _ 'm ' Mr, and Mrs. J, P., Kellogg and MC. and Mrs. J. E. Kellogg and fam- fry, The Gully, visited Mr. and Mrs IJ. rr. Winter on Sunday evening. _ Mr. Edward Lacey of Toronto and chum were in the village on Tuesday evening last, _when Mr. Lacey bad calls to severarformér school mates. y, Corrootion--rLarrt Week twe' maid; 'mention of a slot machine. This was an error. 'Wie _mach<ine referred, to is a' pin machine. ' ' V _ Don't forget the tntitiiesixhrtretttrin the school, house on Friday availing 'bt fhits week. Jmder _.the ,dheétion; of Miigs Rotseveaf. .' l q 2 Mrs. Jag. Bilcox and family ot Grafton spent a few days last, week, with her mother, Mrs. M. Warner, ', Mr. Albert Deviney of Harwood Visited his SOIL and,daA1trhter hereon Thursday last. _ l , C ,321 VII/141115 but: val'auuu. _ g V} .-'" . ' V Mrs. Carley antrHittfe daughter: haveHAsbove zreduetmns are, approximate returned to Aurora) Mtei, visiting reI-j, Jami basetroninormat mit class, l ativves ftrthfsrdistrict. "cs' A - Cl',,,:-": -f's- "musuway-tarera , r,-.,-' C _ Mm Greta ,.Cowey' otANyh0mttrpmrt Thnmday evening at harry-home- here.’ Mr. and MTs., M.)Iourtpgor ot (has ,tleton were recent guests of Mrs" M, Warner. C _ j, . Mr. Jack Cmy-ey, our local truck‘ driver has been busy this week haul-1 ind lumber trom Bowen} mm to Porbi Hope. " l Mr. Jos. Déllantey'of Ctrtrourg'was in the village on Thursday evening erecting a monument in the -Mbett Deviney plot. _,' . "., 3 _ b ' Mr. Jack Convey 'tresjrimvidre"tth)rrti.T8NDARjD f1-55?E!itrrat,'/1 1??',.f‘a,"es appearance of ' his pikiirertf Ary 'ciiliitUli"stat or"NEW LOW bbrthihirge. vating the veranda. _ t, ev -_--_ ' Hut' â€err “If Herbert _aaur Miss Flo: went Sunday in Campbell: LAKEPORT June 9th, 1936 And par- sT0P-oVEIts as authorized by tariffs 'r"'"ow..cost frsummcr faresffg'bod in coaches, tourist and standard-jeep, ers, in' effect to VANCOUVER» VICTORIA and other points, V On Sale: June 15 - August 15 _ F RETURN LIMIT: Sept. 30 _ ONE-WAY FARE for ROUNDITRIP '. T C Good in troach-es/yur C ""'" ' ‘5,,_SLEEP|NG CAR --PRIV'~ILEGES J Passage tickets 'also On sale good in TOURIST SLEEPERS at " 1-0 fares, 'i" f I.", plusgberth charge; 7 STANDARD SLEEPgR6-atr1 1:3 fares _ T VcANADIANR‘OCKlES. I" 1 NEW FAREF supr"tsintp'y" rloyv-c-only '"'"., irlightry'hitrher thah'sto , ‘2 l , Prairie Provinces T, â€I . Fourteen Feet of Caterpillar; atsDht"'TrtriiiC'irtii,ri 936 _ Full, mfotrmdntion from aif agent Canadian Pacific mmWWM c h _ PRAIRIE PROVINOES The:fihesfkéï¬reé,xmï¬â€˜fojhéuéénbuu PACIFIC COAST _-ur" Take Pontiac's big, Triple-sealed Hydraulic Brakes for example. . You'll surely appreciate- the straight-ahead. quick stop they'give you with a touch of your toe on the pedal. . . . Step into Pontiac's roomy, luxurious interior and discover a new type of motoring comfort-now within theyreach of every new-cor buyer. . . .' Drive' Pontiac over the roughest roads and get a new thrill .from its krieeAetrorrglidirtg ride.le _ is v. . r. 1- _.,' _, 'r-. l One ride ima. Pontiac abdyou'" agree it's‘the big" Value of the low~price field. . . . Visit our showrooms and dried the' new Pontiac.' .Ask about the General Motors Irtstairrten-rPian--monthly payments'? suit your purse. w - .5 T C 9-325 IF you were to buy a car costing twice as much as the low-priced Pontiac. you'd still want Pontiac's Sne,car features. . . (The I936 Silver'Streak Pontiac _offers you the finisst features moneyrcan buy-Hoi of them-each one contributing toyour motoring pleasure. _. . _-', T l Ill", 1r Ill. 1lll _ l _,,,,', w J. ty" N ?rd tt r,r,,,_,r" 'i5ft'tl;ffr, Sales aria Service in thisuowprced? fear '+,~éf‘Thank’s foit‘ybmf Ai1teiriiieiiretit: _rr,'l-'), now lash' gii/t? sleep.†__' _,, A recedrterephone advertisement began: "Somewhere, wmgonq would be happy. to hear your voice. Perhaps his? boy at school, a convalescent friend, a husband 1rittti11ini,,or,r gmqther back home’ and lonely." A few days' after its publication "a letter reached the Telephone ComPapyt-t 'r v l, Ir.", 'e j,' .i (, '. 7 J CA1one. in myioom/tofgight,†itead,lin, this “little, mfr1titt'aii/totrp," dunking ‘of my little "red-herded) bay "at, hbme, sick, I saw your 1 J", '. ‘37".‘adVeniseme‘ ' L at "an Called hauler C I I f-‘Now t can go to sléep. Thank you 'ii'rii s' T . "tot 'yetudvertisements',t' ' On both “Aime" and Teryottrto-Persotf? calls, Low Night rates apply after 7 pan. and Low Weekend -rates ALL DAY SUNDAY. COLBORNE Among Pontiac's IOI hes-ear features you'll Snd the Sr"rst brakes-Vat any price! These big, sure-gripping brakes are triple-sealed against dirt and water. Ruggedly constructed with molded linings and cash iron-drums. C V _ V KIMPROVED TRIPLE-SEALED _ HYDRAULIC BRAKES Solid Steel Turret: Top Body‘by Fisher T Safety Glass Thréughoui ,7 rKneo.Action 1‘ ton 8 and De Luxe 6 Models) OTHER BIG VALUE : FEATURES T _ All~Silent ' Syncro-Mesh Transmission Fisher Non-Draft _ a , Ventilation ' C Doubh K-Y Frame Cross-Flow Radiator FulLlength Water Jackets