Veuve River WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, [1920] - [1989], p. 22

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[ / Upcoming Events Current Activities March 18 to 21 I Middlesex Women for the Support of Agriculture's Thunder Bay Farm Women are sponsoring a Computer education committee have established a permanentdisplay Course and March Break Showcase on Agriculture at the Regional March 19 . Childron's Museum in London. Nipissing District Women's Institute presents a seminar . The Women’s Community House in London is conduc- "Women __ Growing with the 80s" at the Pinewood Motor ting a three-month long study on the resources which exist _ ' V Inn, North Bav, 9 a.m. to 4 pun. for battered women in Middlesex County to determine the . viability of a saiehome network for the county. Funded by March 21 the Ministry of Community and Social Services, the feasibility Huron County Community Services Council presents study will investigate the possibility of placing a coinniunr _ 'Strategy Exchange' _ an opportunity to meet and exchange ty development person in the area l better coordinate the information with other community service workers, rural and community serwces in Middlescx County to help battered women. Contact person tor the study, which began _ March 21 this month, is Judith Moses. She can be contacted by calling _ _ Women Today, Clinton, are celebrating their fifth birthday 519-439-0755. , _ ', F and holding a quarterly meeting. . Ruseom Women 5 Institute passed a resolution at. its meeting opposrng the application or CNCT Telecommunica- March 22 tions to deregulate the long distance monopoly of Bell _ C WSA Regional Seminar called New Frontiers for Form Cana.da ._It is to be voted upon at the area’s District Annual ‘ Women. Held at the Thamesford Community Centre from meeting m May. -. . _ F . _ 9:45 a.m. till 3 p-m, the day features regional reports and . Women .Tuday, Yury, (01111in lb' 11,11rla_liycf, Ill a talks bv Del O'Brian, chairman of the agricultural advisory research PT919Ct_m 'ether mini-matron o? rural women s use council, and journalist, Fredelle Maynard. of the criminal Justice system in Situations oi wife assault. " Members will be interviewing women who have been abus, March 23 and 24 ed to determine what help the police, lawyers and court Agriculture in Transition, a two-day conference, will be held system has been to them and will gather information on how at Sir Sanford Fleming College, Lindsay. It is sponsored by to Improve the TY'"T of 'fJv"jes: F the Farm Management Program at Sir Sanford and the Cana- . Women for the Snrvwnl of Agriculture, Eastern ontario, dian Organic Growers. Contact person for the event is Dee is preparing an Agri-business Careers Day scheduled for _ Kramer, 416-499-8418. some time in October. ' . Middlcscx Womcn for Support of Agriculture's Eclucu- _ ‘ _ April 1 tion Committee has come up with a list of possible projects: _ Woomen Today, Huron County, hold the first day of their sponsorship of a follow-up protessional developniontvdeiy project to train women to establish self-help groups, called for the county's grade three [teachers on the new unit of C "Women Being Well." 'Good Things Grow in Ontario '; (ti-operation with the coun- ty apologists during career week to locus on careers in the April 9 food system; approaching the federal Minister of Agriculture _ Ruscom Women's Institute is holding their annual meeting re implementing agriculture in the classroom on a national and election of officers with a dress-down day and a scale; development of a resource list of tarms willing to take ‘ smorgasbord luncheon. To be held at the Dr. Millen Com- schools on a farm tour so that it does not become a burden muntV Centre in Woodslee at 10 a.m. for a few to act as hosts; correspond with the London Board [ " of Education to see if they wish any assistance. April 9 . I Middlesex Women for Support of Agriculture is asking [ Middlesex Women for Support of Agriculture, the Federa- that farmers write letters to their MPs, John Wise, federal tion of Agriculture, andthe fhae1bcrofCcyyeterce. arespon- Minister of Agriculture, and Michael Wilson, Minister of . [ soring a dinner with Senator Sparrow (Soil ét Risk) as a Finance, to let them know how farmers feel aboutthe white [ speaker. To be held at the Delaware Community Centre at paper on agriculture recently released by the federal finance 7 pm. department. April 16 ‘ Women for the Survival of Agriculture (Winchester) will Anyone interested in Ontario Farm Women publishing sponsor a spring seminar for farm women with guest notices of their organization's meetings or activities, who speaker, Judy Hendin, an Ottawa lawyer, and Don Johnson, is not now receiving a Network form, please send informa- QC., a crown attorney, speaking on the effects of the Con- lion to Ontario Farm Women, P.O. Box 7400, Station E, Lon- _ . . stitutional changes on women’s rights. don, Ont. NSY 4x3, , 22 . Ontario Farm Women, March, 1985

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