‘ . ¢+ | THE NUGGET, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1984â€"9 W join together to sh I ‘ By RON ST. LOUIS Kristina Maus of the Concérned Farm Women . She said an average of 40 to 50 people are Sturgeon Falls Bureau Movement, spoke at length about a survey conâ€" killed in farming accidents annually in Ontario, ducted among farming operations in Bruce and _ abd of those fatalities, up to 25 per cent involved SPRINGER TWP. â€" More than 60 women Grey counties: the survey was the foundation Youngsters unde_r the age of 16. | from rural and agricultural settings throughout . for a book entitled "The Farmer Takes a Wife",. _ Ms, Sewell said farm operators should at least Northern Ontario gathered at the New Sunbeam . ‘written by Gisele Ireland, who was also on hand _ be familiar with emergency procedures in order Motel here this week for a seminar aimed at _ to chat with seminar participants and autograph _ to be prepared in the event of an accident. ; | sharing common goals and interest. copies of her book. In the afternoon, Dr. Jane Deschesne of Sturâ€" Janet Parsons, Cache Bay, president of the Ms. Maus said 67 per cent of farming operaâ€" geon Falls gave a lecture on women‘s health, | _ Veuve River Women‘s Institute, which sponâ€" _ tions in the survey area are owned jointly by the followed by a presentation on assertiveness |_ sored the conference, said she was very pleased _ husband and wife, 19 per cent are owned solely . training by Canadore College West Nipissing |_ with the large turnout, qualifying the event as a _ by the man and two per cent are owned solely _ Adult Training coâ€"ordinator Gaetan Serre. ; success. Participants for the workshop. came _ by the woman. The balance is made up of famiâ€" Mr. Serre said the college got involved five ; from as far away as Matheson. lyâ€"owned corporations or other coâ€"operative or years ago in promoting women‘s training proâ€" } The agenda included a 90â€"minute presentation . 1egal partnership arrangements. grams in Sturgeon Falls because it was obvious ! _ by Terryl Ledoux, a wardrobe and makeup conâ€" On a sombre note, she said 86 per cent of the . women in the district were "‘very underprivâ€" sultant from North Bay. farming community surveyed is worse off than ileged" in the areas of job preparation and caâ€" z. in 1976, with product prices, input prices, interâ€" reer opportunities. |__ est rates, foreign land ownership and provincial Mr. Serre said the college set up a women‘s ; and federal government agricultural priorities . advisory committee, and convinced the Canada ‘ |__ and policies as the main culprits. Employement Centre (CEC) to introduce more ‘ Ms. Maus said 17 per cent of farm owners surâ€" . training programs geared to women‘s needs. ) _ veyed expect to lose all or part of their farm beâ€" As a result of the program‘s success, 10 to 12 cause of economic difficulties over the next women who took the initial eightâ€"week course year. subsequently ]fuu?d permanent employment in * She said the four major s ivi pentlediGonal roles" 7 farm that appeal to woJrner?sa;;?eCE;eOfcglu\r:{]rgv(;?fea. While 90 per cent of the trainces under the § independence, rural values and the enjO{/ment college programs at Sturgeon Falls were men derived from the production of food. & five years ago.~7‘2 per cent of enrollees are now West Nipissing Planning and Industrial Board \V(?}rnen, Mr. Sorre said. f . chairman John Beddows, a business teacher at _._| APG 4A £00d percentage of them are going Northern Secondary School in Sturgeon Falls, (DHP more specialized training at the postâ€"secâ€" told seminar participants they are "key person. onddry‘level, he told seminar participants. nel" in their farming business. Mr. Serre said one of the most rewarding feaâ€" ‘ He explained certain advantages of forming tun;ies of assertiveness tl‘al‘nmg is getting men official partnerships, limited partnership or in: ?" women to become more aware of their poâ€" corporating the farm business, when it comes to _ ‘°O42 . § a questions of ownership with the husband: â€" "Its very important when taking a personal "The best advice I can give is write down 1DYentory to take a look at all aspects of your what you feel you would want from your busiâ€" "f8, _ ; ness organization," said Mr. Beddows. Our Creator made us the way we are. We all .. Ontario Farm Safety Association representaâ€" Rave'the potential to be successful in life," said _ . tive Marilyn Sewell told the women gathered for 1,1'. Serre._ < $ % the workshop, "being aware is your best protecâ€" The seminar concluded with a small tour of a tion." § local farming operation in Spring Twp. eC 2