THE PuRrpose THEâ€" PROGRANM Opportunities for rural women to get together and sflgre common interests are limited. The NORTHERN TUESDAY, MARCH 720 ONTARIO RURAL WOMEN®S SEMINAR is a 2 day program 7130 p.m. â€" Registration developed by rural women. This program offers rural 8:00 p.m. _ â€" COLOUR DRAPING AND MAKEâ€"LIP women the opportunity to discuss the challenges of "Colour is magic‘! No matter what kind of clothes today. Speakers have been selec‘ted on thfe basis of you like to wear, the right colors can make the their knowledge and experience in a particular area. difference between looking drab and looking § % € radiant!" We are enthusiastic about the scope and timeliness of Terryl Ledoux. Colour Consultant: COLOURS, North Bay the program topics. We hope you accept our invitation to be part of this seminar. 9:30 p.m. _ â€" informal reception Janet Parsons, Program Chairman i WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE â€" Veuve River Women‘s institute Jovette Beaudry Janet Parsons 9:30 a.m. _ â€" "THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE® Mary Ellen Levac Mary Smits Kristina Maus, Concerned Farm Women, Kincardine Amy Campbell, OMAF 10:15 a.m. â€" WHAT ARE THE LONG TEerm OPTIGONS For Your REG.ISTRATIDN FEES: BUSINESS â€"â€" â€" Jorp BedDpws, B.D. Registration fees includes Informal reception â€" March 20 11:15 a.m. â€" BEING AWARE IS OUR BEST PROTECTION Dinner at noon â€" March 21 Marilyn Sewell, P.Ag. Farm Safety Consultant, Coffee break Orangevilie 12 noon â€" Dinner Registration must be received before March 15, 1984 12100 p.m. â€" COMPUTERS: "WHAT CAN THEY D0? D0 I NEED ownr>"~ Registration feg.............§15 1145 p.m. â€" WOMEN®S HEALTH â€" D0 YOU know?>?>? ACCOMODATION: Dr. Duchesne, M.D. The New Sunbeam Hotel........$12 per person t{single bed) 2: 30 p.m. â€" Break Billets with Womens Institute members w«e...â€"no charge. § 3:00 p.m. â€" ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING: LET°S START TODAY Numerous motels are available in Sturgeon Falls at Gaetan Serre, Canadore College commercial rates. C 4100 p.m. â€" Closing remarks and adjourn For more information contact Janet Parsons 753â€"0730