l i i i l i l i i l . , o o o l ( USIUESS 50cm Issues I f - i 1 h . f M . _ so led a seminar i l ' Business and social issues affect- She presented statistics which i mg women were the focus of rural prove women can succeed in busi- l wgmerzhfrovm ‘Northern Ontario, ness. In fact, it turns out that wo- - -- , w en e ipissing District Wo- men have a better track record . _ . C . . ( men's In.stitute sponsored a one» than men when it comes to esta- Nipissing District l ifs/fut seminarthat [tl/ir/ir' Park blishing a new business and re, , titute _ 0 or nn on e wee end. maining successful. She said that if V i "The Women's Institute is an you have to pick a partner to join Women s Ins l ( educational organization dedicated you in business, ask a woman. _ ' /,.,: Dmncl- Just Stand Tticrc....DO 1 to personal growth and community The speaker said there are sev- The N‘P‘55‘i‘g lid/ts Something by Janet ‘l action," said Mary Willemsen of eral aspects which all potential WWW“ l 1:0"ch V Jr Travellers Verner, chairman of the program, businesses must consider, such as decidedto {all/2w women H?r,n'"e‘ by. Daphne l _which was designed to include tpp- location, location and location. She WWW" 10.“ . t to get 'lei),'?,,', and 'Colour5 and [ 105 of interest to everyone. said she herself had learned the In the d‘51rico. share N1+%l1c\;\lTerr\'l Lcdoux i The agenda included a presenta- hard way with her former retail _ mgcihcr and Tr/w- Sty es . tr, l the l tion by Heather Busch, program businesslnSturgeon Falls. “chi'enfgs renew old that deal,l‘1“l,1m0m ( co-ordinator of family and personal In similar fashion, she stressed, might; hi b' and also to inter?“5 m a “i Jiri l skills at the North Bay YMCA. In the need to know the market and my; .5 [53w friends. This event hub)“; m 1 her topic “Streetproofing your tailor your business to supply that "‘9th lanning commit- place on More 1 Park r kids", she focused on how to pro- market and not your own personal e p h: ll n e by thc Pll‘cllom ' , _ tect children from sexual abuse tastes. my?!“ Tiefni‘hacr egallcd s"tjto,r,/nrryi1i)'/,'rr,e/tfl,'r',' and what to do if they have been Becky Hughes, horticulturalist at tveg/e, 1, Growing For more 'll GET-:15? 3 abused. New Liskeard College of Ariculture with) the 80's" with topics call Janet Pimps}; ' Ellen 1 1 She said children need to know and Technology, spoke on garden- such ar. Money Matters 0730 .01"l 753-3504. I I that they will be believed if they ing in Northern Ontario. She point- bv Tcd Thomson. Don't chat a . - - , _ speak up. It was also pointed out ed out that there are only about 120 - _ l -_" --- I that these children should be trust-tree days in the north and _ taught to trust their instincts. If gave a number of tips on extending ‘ [ they do nut feel good about a situa- the gardening season. _ r l, tion, chances are that it is not the An ideal garden site would slope l , right thing to do. toward the south since frost first l i The speaker offered a number of hits the low areas. The top of the ' i personal safety rules, which slope at the north end should have _ ( l, appear to contradict the values _ a solid barrier such as a fence or , most parents wish to instill in their hedge while there should be a nom _ r l children. The rules included the solid windbreak about 50 feet west l _ child's right to prrivaev and the of the plot. These precautions i ‘ _ freedom to say "No" to unwanted alone could extend the season by l l touch and attfintion. Childé'en up to six weeks, she said. _ l l should be alldwe to uestion a ult _ , l authority and gi'ldlgl and have a 1133’; Ji1irgticeegi"ip,'letst i l right to be rude and unhelpful. If pant in the 'll'fJbtid a icilturcdl l, TTs.qarp,,th.ey should not hesitate lpeadershi ro ram discgirissed the t, to tell lies to protect themselves 'tv1flTfl1Ul2f He’osed the ues ‘ and should be told that they can tion of what makespa erso q _ _ run, kick, bite, scream or make a ees f l d I d d tph t “tint ‘ blic scene if they feel they are SH an concu , a se mg ' pu! _ specific goals to strive for was the 1 being coerced by certain adults. ke' Everyone is a success ifonl l Above all, children should have the they. would think that we ’accordy , l right to ask for help when they ingyto Mr Edwards y, _ I 1 need it. ' . l l Sondra Nesterenko, a former in- Merle Parkin and Velda Thump. I , structor of Small Business Man- son of Bonfield spoke on reflexolo- I , agement at Canadore College and gy. This is hand and foot massage l l _ currently a teacher at Northern based on the theory that the nerve l i Secondary School in Sturgeon endings in your feet and hands are l ‘ Falls, discussed the criteria for linked to other parts of your body. ' successfully starting a small busi- Instructions were given to the _ ness. audience. l i l l l 1 l l l [ l l l l __...-.,,-,-.,