PeCb d o r Con. * ds w $ ho 5 Pb FLDraiTID woMeN‘s TNSTIIUIES OF ONTARIO 3 REPORT OF RESOLUTIONS â€"1966â€"1967 47 E2L _" 3 (Hrs. Leonard Trivers, Thessalon, 'Gomrener_L . Twe""ï¬tyâ€"five Area Resolutions and one Emergency Resolution were considered at the: Semiâ€"]\nnual‘ Board Meeting. Of these, seven were sustained, and forwarded to the Department of the Legislature concerned. A.detailed report of the disposition . _ of theseijfiasi,been forwarded to the Ares Conveners for presentation at the Conventions, and to the Provincial President and Secretary. All departments have expressed appreciation of the. interest of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario, though _ none vha\ag};expnessed the intention to take immediate action as a result of the resolution. ~ 4t the time of reporting, it has not been possible to contact the printers of the book, "Pioneers of Old Ontario", but this investigation continues. " 'fm’s'cilut.ions were forwarded from the 1966 Annual Meeting to come before the Sonvention of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada, in June of 1967. . It was the decision of the National Board that two.â€"0f these would mot come before the Convention, namely: ‘the resolution asking that Tweedsmuir History Competitions be discontinued, and the resolution concerning the tests for phenylketonuria in infants.© The resolution concerning Piversion of Water Resources, which was ~ sustained at provincial level last Fall, was sustained at the National Convention. No report of its reception has been received to date. t Eleven resolutions were sustained at the National Convention. These will not be given in detail here, but all are timely, of great importance to women, . _ and diredt outgrowths of resclutions which have been preSgented earlier at provincial level. They are reportedâ€"in full in the National Convention report, and would form worthwhile material for study at your resolutions meetings in the Branches. Area Conveners! Reports â€" 1967 s * Number of Areas _ â€" l4 Number of Districts â€" 114 Number reporting â€" 43. . _ Number reporting â€" 89 Itfsf;has' been possible to: obtain s more complete coverage this year, and three Area Conveners show 100% reporting from the Branches in their Areas, while many ‘ others show 100% reporting by Districts, This is very commendable, and we appreciate the efforts of the Conveners who have made an effort to present full reports. We hope thatths coming year will give evidence of continued effort and interest. Most.of. the Areas report that the resolutions are being read and discussed at Brandfr%evel before Conventions, as required by the Revisions to the Hand Book of 196. Study has been done on a variety of topics, including Canadian Law, the decline of the family farm, sex education in schools, replacement of trees along hichroyse,mgppicipation by women in municipal government, water shortage and pollutio?, the use of farm land for industry, womens! affairs re ownership of property; and wills. Many of these studies are intended to lead to the formation of resolutions. Panel discussions on resolutions were features of many meetings. The Conveners have been active in providing instruction as to proper format 5 and wording of resolutions, in their reports to Gonventions and District Annuals and through workshops. This is being reflected in the improved type of resolutions being sent on to the Provincial Board. It is disturbing to note, however, that some Branches report having no Resolutions Convener, and many report no work done on resolutions.