FEDERATED _ WOMEN@S INSTITUTES COF_ONTARIO ASSISTANCE FOR _CONVENERS OF RESOLUTIONS 1965â€"1966 (Mrs. Leonard Trivers, Thessalon, Convener) e lt ayo pyr en aede! . The first requisite for a convener is that she have all of the material from former conveners at hand, and that she make a thorough study of her duties from the Hand Book, especially the revisions made by the Amendment Committese in 1964. â€" Each year, instructions to the Conveners are sent out from the Frovincial Office, along with the annual report. These contained detasiled information in the past three years, especially, and should serve as a complete guide. Please see that you have these, and that they are followed carefully. In addition,materisl used at the discussion groups at the 1966 Officers‘ Conference, â€"can be obtained through the loan library for use in your program planning. Several points must be stressed, in considering a successful. program of work in Resolutions: (1) Make a careful study of all the facts before preparing a resolution. Often we make requests, only to find that provision has already been made by law. This places us in a foolish light,not to mention the time spent,at all levels,in preâ€" paration of material. Work closely with your Beard Director for information, about resolutions which have come before the Board. S (2) Consider the image of the organization. Let us be sure that our resolutions present us as mature, intelligent women, rather than as an emotional pressure group. (3) Only resolutions which concern the entire organization or will work for the good of all citizens, may be presented to the Provincial Board. Otherwise they are considered as local matters, and should be directed to the group concerned. (4) When a resolution has been sustained at Provincial level,particularly in the case of consumer complaints, it may be necessary to supply specific details, such as brand names, prices, etc. Please be prepared to provide this information when requested, if your resolution is to receive attention. (5) Do not be discouraged if a good resolution seems slow in producing results. Members must make it their responsibility to be present at district annusls and at area conventions to speak in its support. One Resolution, which has been prosented regularly to the Provincial Board during the past ten years, has resulted in a law which has just this year been placed in our statutes (6) _ Conveners at all levels must take the responsibility for prompt and complete reporting. In order to have an idea of the work being done throughout the province, it is just as necessary to know if you have done ncthing as to receive your reâ€" solutions. â€" Area Conveners, it is essential that your report be sent on before your Area Convention, if it is to be included in the report to the Provincial Board (deadline October 1). Resolutions sustained at the Convention can be forwarded when your Convention is over. . A copy of the resolutions sustained at the Convention, alone, cannot be considered a report of the Area work. Thus, with careful research, enthusiastic support, and perseverance, â€"â€"over