F.JJ.pggWllgLWWJN.JLUfuhWmj.E 0F ONTARIO _ REPORT OF Uga.u.Jyg.gyjic:g1trkcei _ I _ (Mrs. L. 'G. Lymburner, 650 Elm Street, Port Colborne, _ Ontario, Convener) _ ". _ _ 't. _ ", _ .' I... I '_,,',:,,".','-"-').",,. "6,_Resolutions carried, _ . " "r', ." I I" I i. _ trt." ,..." .3..va l,, "._' v,"'. "'." 2 Resolutions withdrawn 2., _,,' _' _' _ T __".".','. ' _/r' ",' l':'.,", w-ryc-.:'.' _-,.'. $63 Resolutions lost _ TT i _ f _ H i ".. ..'.' " / 12'- _ w" .i ', iipri. ', , .' " Reso1ytiorp .repeived '. 'w,." V _ :1 ', / ' : _ __", I -4 3...; 'lr,,'l,,)'i'rl:r, reper'smu deal onlywiththe disposition of these ri_soiuu'o.rytaiti,'i' were carried, since the full report was. presented when the resolutions were'prea' isentetiitor consideration at the. semi-imnual meeting-held‘last May. _ I _-. _. tespaitLisil re' support of Children's Aid sssisSl'trequesst' that inforrnation regarding the abuse orachildrenvbe given without fear of, prosecution; _ _ I. â€w ' t s,'.: . ipiue, Honourable Louie P. Cecile ,_Minister_ of. thi'psrxetarteht,s'tmiiiit?, Welter-e has, stated-thats, new sections of the Child Welfare. Act pa,ssed' in the last sessionoi‘ thelhouse, r,_heyrr:pvovidedfor,ehiss and in fact, requires that such. information be". pnoyided. to the proper' authorities. _ : : .. _ , .. '15:. '. _, _ T T ahes'olutioye“abolishi‘n'g'fee‘s fer iyegasmui.jivj1urat'dvs iitssjsizttyttjifsuisrc. _ :, '1'; "'.. ._v:iv' This..reqnired considerable correspondence since w. Richard Eanriddle to whom, the letter was written had never hear! of us or the Tweedsmuir Histories and as a result we were asked for a "reference". Miss McKercher' and I dliiiitisssd the" possibility of hasrii,pg,tlpy Hop,y1ratoks,tsy. A, Stewart as a reference. and; as. a result, the Minister senti.a letteron to Mrs Priddle to tell him who we arsstr'2d'.,titste l y . haveheard nothing further but a. check will be made before the Boazyi'ytetiryr l ot.sss.g,ii,'tiiw.ri,ycss, .legalizegabgr_goninsertaininstanoesu V I . . _ f“: o'.,',. , _'" IV :IUA letter-iron tmeSi/fisssio"i'"(j.ipstriii,1tii'e tisiiouraiisissG' Gardin and l, another from the Minister of? Health and" Welfare, the Honourable Judy LaMarsh have both indicated that the matter will be considered when revisions of the Criminal Code are being made. Resolution re the use__o'i:' "Clearing In The west" by Nellie McClung. A letter from the Minister of Education, the Honourable William G. Davis indicates that the recomendation that. it. be used in schools will be brought to the attention of the Library Supervisor and the staff responsible for preparing the lists of reference and resource books in the courses of study. _ Resolution re extension of facilities at; Macdonald Institute. This resolution was forwarded to both the Minister of Education and the Minister of Agriculture. The reply from the former indicates that it is his understanding that the University of Guelph is giving consideration to this matter. _ The reply from the Honourable W.A. Stewart gives assurance that the;.\B_oard l of Governors of the University is being given every encouragement to extend the _ Institute'e facilities. He added that he personally gave his whole-hearted-supports 7 to this request. --olreP