. . C t D . . W Temiskaming en re tstrict J. rgpprt tn A “An - by Jean Rodgers Im CHARLTON - The annual meeting of the Tcmiskaming Centre District Women‘s Institute was_lteld recently The business was conducted with . l†the United Church P, Charlton. reports read by the conveners. The Tly; â€WHO was Mind over Program Co-ordinator and Public Re- Machine. T lations officers' display had a variety Following the interest in this Inter- on their table such as newspaper clip- national Year of Literacy, they chose pings of reports of meeting, current a theme entitled "Illiteracy." interests, pens with branch and district Guest speaker Elaine Milton, a re- name imprinted, an F.W.I.O. scarf, a tired school teacher who has recently hat commemorating the 90th Anniver- become involved with teaching adults, sary. Home and Country and a life ' explained that the illiterate person ac- member‘s copy ofThe Country Wom, tually only lacks a skill. an. the magazine of the Associated Reading is a skill to be learned. Country Women ot the World pub- Cooking and driving a car are skills Iished in England. that are learned. Mrs. Milton ex- Board Director Elna Blackburn plained that there are different degrees from Hunta near Cochranc was of illiteracy. Some ofthe students may present andhad a fine display of WI. l be able to read newspapers for exam- supplies such as badges, membership l ple but have difficulty writing and un- cards, cups, plates. etc. Price lists. derstanding forms to be filled out, order forms and addresses for special Othersjust want to be ableto read the items were available. In her talk she sale sheets from the grocery st.ore, provided much information on W.l. labels, recipe instructions, road signs affairs. The new Adult Leaders Train- and maps. These are ordinary living ing courses' are supported by F.W.I.O. skills that these people have to deal and prepared by a group called "Prrss with, They are not silow-learners as it on." They have a two year plan to they have usually developed a keen present these courses to Women's In memory and experience to cope with stitutes to enable them to lead in their their lack of the skill of reading. In communities. Learning, working fitct they are quite enthusiastic about together, reaching out. promoting pore learning. in sonal grovchjarhe I) '/)lr,"e'tv'1'/et parts The name of the rogram _ of the wor o‘t e . ' TFT e earn to _ . "remiskamimr, to help the]; people is "pass it on." y An quellent dinner, buffet style. 5.. . - e d- ' . " . ' was rovided at noon by the hostess S/TA.RT. (starting togethet at r a Pertaining to the Tweedsmutr His- p r ing together). At present there are 15 tory that WI. began, the board direc- branch, Spnday $33k XlTIhClttttyors tutors and 13 usxtra people “mung tor spoke of their value and they at. each p 2:53de [7ig/',l't uWaltlin» Classes are held in private? homes and recommend microrilming for preset: mes were . . y n. teachers are ntyt a1]owed_t0 release vation of these books. The new business included a mo- names ofstudents. The initial goal IS ' . tion to buy a trophy to present to a for tutor training. There are courses June IS WI. promotion month and deserving Family Studies student at available at universities for Literacy W.l.s are encouraged to place Home the Englehart High School Graduation Practitioners. ' and Country magaztnes In public Exercises. This guest speaker gave her talk in pieces, le, libraries, hospitals, doctors' _ the afternoon session of the meeting offices. A motion was passed tro pay the thx- A gift as a token of appreclatlyn was Rural Organizational Specialist Ae.nse 1r,:,e/ei'td0k"le,r,t to aleader- presented to Mrs, Milton as she was Sandra Grier came from the ship trarmrtg “of shop. September thanked for coming. o.M.A.F, omce in New Liskeard and 24-25 are datesko remember as thc Sunday Creek WI, wasl1oyes.s aryl brought information about the new Cochrane Temis 131mg Area Conven- held this annual meeting in the Unit- A.I.T.C- (Agriculture in the Class- tron IS to be he in Fmglehart this ed Church in Charlton. ' room) program; a workshop will be .vear. - All were welcomed at the r epstra- held for teachers. She reported on the Nominations were held for the new tion table at9 am. with Minetta Mar; new image of4-H. Now it is 4.H.4.U. executive for l990-91. Elna Blackburn tin in charge. The name tags wen' (for you!). it is creatingarenewed in, conducted the installation of the shaped like a book. Coffee, tea 3110 terest as it includes other than farm officers: Past President -- Beth Wile muffins were served before gong up youth and the age is lowered to begin liams: President - Merrill Charlton; stairs to begin the meeting. at age 10. Another "Day for You" will lst Vice -- Carol Ellerton; 2nd vice The first vice-preside?t, Car be planned for the women in the fall. -_ Helen Dorrell: Secretary trettsurcr Ellerton, chaired the meeting. ope A gift was presented to Sandra in ap- - Dorothy Walton; Public Relations ing with the singing ofO Canada au, predation of her informative talk. __ Jean Rodgers: Program Co- the Institute Ode also renting in um- A generous amount of crafts, ordinator_ c. Dorothy Walton; son the Mary Stewart Collect. . plants, ornaments, knitting. food and Tweedsmutr History Curator -- Alma Roll call was answered by “We some very useful articles were Come: Resolutions - Norma members of the Englehart branch, SIX brought by the members for an auc- Gillespie; Area Delegate u Elizabeth of Sunday Creek and four of Savard. tion sale. The auctioneer was Edith Hamilton and Alternate Adl u Edith They presented their year's collection Field. It was a great way to make Watkins. of Pennies for Friendship and do†money and have fun and laughter,too. , “l. T a.†, tion to the Scholarship Fund. Several There were draws for several door _'. The â€Eggs; ggéellaned with the guests were present also to enjoy the prizes to add to the pleasure. , “liming 0 e Queen. day's activities. _