l D _ _ i D t 5 TR IC T W omen' s Institute . ' holds annual meeting a W?7 m _BY JEAN RODGERS that none of the three branches had "ts "Shaping Our Tomorrow, Today" was resolutions except personal ones for the 0* ' C' the motto for the Terniskaming Centre New Year. F _ . q x: J District W, Annual meeting, coin- Public relations officer Alocoque 'r' "si- J sit Mine with their theme "Women and Ryan's report was read by Jean s", "l, H-- V the Fnvirement". Rodgers. Tweedsmuir history curator g . c', . The meeting was held May 25, 1989 in Alma Cozac’s report was read by Ruth 'ra H?. . Ff: the Northern Beacon Rebeka Lodge Black. k T . yith. Iht.En.glehart W.I. as hostess, A lovely buffet luncheon was served s " Registr.a.tity began at9 am. with name by Englehart WI after the institute r J , :1 tags cut in the shape of cans and bottles. grace was sung. The table centrepieces o _ s c: A! 10 am. the president Beth were fabric flower bouquets in 2t _--.- in j' Williams called the meeting to order, miniature crocheted baskets made by ' " On behalf of fgttt, W.l., Merrill Norma Gillespie. The favors at each _ C, _ "Ad ol' Charlton extend a welcome to all. The place setting was a sample of recycling, 43 'st c, ' " Institute Ode was sung and the Mary . blue and yellow (WI. colours) y V 5 Ni _ . Ste_w.y.t9y._tyteitti. crocheted pin cushions made by Edith as l \A in Edith Field introduced the guests, Field. at: _ w," . L " board director Shirley Johnson and Noon hour was the time alloted for the . N D u . rural organizational specialist Jud auction sale and the auctioneer Merrill "s _ J y . l q CC, i as o o Rousel. lhe rou can answered by the Charlton conducted the sale with exptr- _\ " 'l .5 D branches of the district, Englehart sun- tise and humor with the assistance of "e _ ws m day Creek and Savard showed 21 ladies Belle Williams and Minetta Martin. .. , present, The meeting was called back to order his ' C y t 4: Li o The board director conducted the with the singing of O Canada. R.oll call - = , v-k. ratification of the three district direc- was Pennies for Friendship, pnce of a g at- __ g a tors, Edith Field, Belle Williams and loaf of bread and scholarship donations 'T V t .r\ . = JeyRod.ger,s from thebranches. c? f f it: The minutes and treasurers' report Guest speaker Judy Rousel showed a 3 -st 7 a f C was read by the seeretary-treasurw film on the care of our environment and U 'c, _ l " - J, Belle Williams. . . conducted a workshop with group A 1: Correspondence indicated dates to discussions on the four R's. Recover, =car", N D H. : keep in mind. June is W.I. month for Re-use, Recycle and Reduce. , j . I T, L t" public relations. Oct. Il,. 13, WI area The recycled table displade El vant " c a Js ti . convention to be held in Cochrane June ty of ways women can use their ingenui- Jp Q a A. < 16 is Seniors Day at the Agricultural ty to recycle. Edith Field described the .3 'i', 2- Museum m Milton. many useful items created. V) f, . , » -e Seniors are invited to work on quilting Jud Rouse] reported on her work at i' “a , u, on those days. ' OMAR; and 4H leadership training. . ix " a d Nov. 8 to 19 Royal Winter Fair in Dorothy Walton read her nominations 3" Toronto. The W.l. booth costs $12 per regort. toot tor space. WI members are in- hirley Johnson conducted the elec- vitedtnhelp, . , tion for new officers: . The board director Shirlecy Johnson President, Merrill Charlton: Ist vice gave her report with many i ems of in- president, Carol Ellerton; 2nd vice, terest. Seven scholarships are Helen Dorrell; secretary-treasurer. available. _Last year W.l. iglomoted bet- Dorothy Walton; area delegatev Beth , ter 'labelling of foods. e sign for Williams; alternate area delegate, t::ll .riii, 'ljii) 'i))]' _ enyiry,1rnimt-sate products is three ent- Edith Field; public relations officer, i meddoves. Jean Rodgers; Tweedsmuir history A. recycling plant can provide up to curator, Alma Cozac; program 9001"- rs'rc9iLS&ttcSScsYoWefP,WCiuPo 500mb? dinator, Dorothy Walton; resolutions, inquire about safe disposal of insec- Norma Gillespie. ' i' ticide containers. In 1997, the WI. will An invitation was received from the F be IN years old and suggestions are in- Sunday Creek WI to host the district l vited for ways to celebrate that centen- annual in 1990. mal, a special postage stamp or how In new business, a motion was passed i aboutablue rose? to purchase a tmph for a home f ' The W.I. is asked to get together on a economics student at lilnglehart High glam to offer bed and breakfasts to School. _ , avellers. The ErlandLeeHome sent a The courtesy was by Jean Rodgers "thank you" to the area WI for the thanking each one for their part in the n [ good supply of crafts taken down to success of this annual meeting, iuliilliN T ' themlastyear. . one of the objectives of W.I., to assist . 'c T i After a coffee break, the Resolution and encourage women to become more . g Conv-Ir Norma Gillespie reported knowledgeable and responsiblecitizens. tts, ll [ i??? 1 a? ' I