t _ / , / y at , (MW omens . ' " q _ . -Fg - " ' " nstltute report . -r" _ I _ r- c T/éir ‘l _ . i F _ . by Jean Rodgers o report. Pennies for Friendship were . - / SAVARD - The Mary Stewart Collect collected. T prayer led by the president Helen Dor- . Correspondence was read. A mo- I 4 F - rell opened the October meeting of (ion was passed to donate money to V I Savard branch of the Women's the Recreation Fund of Northview . / Institute. Nursing Home. Another motion was .- The Institute Ode was sung and the made to purchase a special photo al- l motto for the month was read. "Goals burn for snapshots and records of liap- , _ are like the stars; they may never be penings of the branch. The card con- T T reached but can always be guides." vener report showed two sympathy T . F ' ' P This meeting was held at the home cards, a get well and a birthday card ' ( of Ena Butt. serIn out. d . h d f . ' _ ,1 t was reporte wn sa ness 0 the . 1 The repseg"etntrel"s'Td tit,") death of Annie Morrissey. who was T memrli’gg oilihe season a pogm “In- a torrlrjier resident ofSavard and a WI. ' reml ,, o , mem er. P dian suyfmenr‘ 'a,tlivirlt12,y,til,1, l discussion of the need for another I was fen To!“ ivin ra er was read Seniors' Home was opened by Ena a short than fer g p y Bott on behalf of the Legion looking _ . by each mem . for input from area people. ' l The roll call was an answer to the _ Christmas plans will be completed . uestion "How did you spend your m November, re: cards, lists updated 1lti'iiisiiryiris; holiday?" Helen Dor- for gifts for the disabled, and cheer ' ell Ena Bott, Alacoque Ryan, Agnes baskets for those living alone. Each _ i rpm; Bertha Axcell and Jean Rodg- member is to bring a craft already F s all had family celebrations includ, made to the next meeting which will V , . fr a big Thanksgiving dinner. One be at l p.m. Tuesday, November 14 . . â€lauded a birthday party, another a at the home of Bertha Axcell. . _ - i F _ .. ' in nic trip south, an anniversary, a The roll call will be "Bring a gift C “as through the country, a church for our handicapped friends" and the Iri er one lady even had the doubt- motto is "If a child lives with ap- _ y . dl?nleasure ofPllleing aduck for her proval, he learns to like himself." '.' . _ (i! per‘ The meeting was adjourned and a _ ' j dir?rrl,t'e' business commenced with the lovely lunch was served by the . ' ding of the minutes and treasurer's hostess, Ena Bott. _ rea ' V - - _ _ _----" ":c'cr"i""'iii'-"-'r 2 i,!irii" KI C _ _ _ , 8lre 'p' i ' a 1 I _, , I TN . ' J. . ' , N , F "it? ' A w ") I V , - , ", ta, TRU 'w,' , Wet: . ' ' El ' C , ‘ v ' , [ i _ . .. e ‘ . e a " _ ', I" 2 u --_ - ii, . I - i=9 I , ., VA." V r r' v, _ ' , - I V V‘ I 4 x I l is)', l _ _ .‘2 ' t ' I ' _ 7‘ I / , ‘ . 2 i’ .