oeeutpfr It)» I" . o s' a St 't by Jean Rodgers Correspondence included a letter Bott, the past president, is thesecond "Kindness is a language the deaf from the Pavilion Family Resource eldest, The eldest guest, Annie Play- can hear and the blind can see" was Centre in Haileybury offeringaspeak- ford, was also honored with receiv- the motto for the Savard Women's In, er for a program. It was decided to is- ing a fruit basket. . _ Sillulc for December. They met at the sue an invitation in the spring. The craft gifts for the Gwen School home of Agnes Arts with six mem- A questionnaire from the Charlton were admired. Bertha Axcell had bers present to answer the roll call, Agricultural Society was received as created Ipine cone santas on candy bring a friend and food for the pot- was a thank you from Northland cane skis. Arrangements were made luck Christmas Luncheon. Lodge Riverview Tuck shop with the to have them delilvered,datiid membegs ,; - information that large-size print sing- took responsibility in e ivering t e corT,,heyg,si,f,g,t2ethDgrgh,)v,is1-, along sheets and birthday gifts had fruit and gifts. The apples and oranges , . ee tp e been purchased from the donation. A will be taken to the school in time for Isobel McFarlane, Annie Playford, . . . and Jean McFarlane The WI Ode Christmas greeting was received from the Charlton Savard School Concert . . ,' . . Sunday Creek WI. That W.l. branch Thursday, December 21. was sung and the Mary Stewart Coi- _ . " . ' . Th s d WI etin will lect recited to begin the meeting. shares in the cost ofprovtding candy e next avar ' . me l g bags to the school children. be January 9, 1,9,90 at the home of He- The minutes were read and treas- At noon, the meeting adjourned. len Dorrell with motto I“People are urer's report given by the secretary- The hostess Agnes Arts invited every- lonely because they build walls in- treasurer, Jean Rodgers-Notes of ap- one to the dining table, decorated in stead of bridges." preciation will be sent to those who a festive manner with a red tablecloth have assisted this W.I. in their efforts and the many dishes of hot foods, to present gifts to the handicapped in salads and desserts that the ladies had the community. Crafts to each student brought. at the Gwen School and fruit baskets After this. the cheer baskets with for those who are alone or ill; and to fruit and cookies, (eleven altogether) the Savard General Store for their were prepared and the gifts wrapped. generosity in helping provide fruit for The eldest member, Alacoque Ryan, the candy bags for the pre-school and was honored when a basket was school children of the Charlton Savard presented to her. She has been a school. Savard Wh member " 62 years. Ena ’ _ C l .. I i A i 9% . t .'l J', i ' I r ‘ _ T l _ . ' i ll , I " i ii I --_- . w n..- I wt " Illrlu' -†M - M ' -c 'iiE] . ms -. . I a . .. Fi [U" . . o I I l . , I . Nat. , I W'. V t . 3" t g ii., , : é - r... ' cr . _ . e o ’ ‘ , ' p . . .alii= " . “LI - 77.... u "i: ' Li a - , I ' .