OPENING ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In Friendship‘s circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet Nor dims the radiant light No unkind word our lips shall pass, No envy sour the mind But each shall seek the common weal, The good of all mankind. MARY STEWART COLLECT KEEP us, O Lord, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, word and deed; Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self seeking; May we put away all pretence and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice; May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous; Teach us to put into action our better impulses straightâ€"forward and unafraid; Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle; Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are one And may we strive to touch and know the great human heart common to us all, and O Lord God let us not forget to be kind. HYMN OF ALL NATIONS (Tune â€" "Finlandia") This is my song, O God, of all the Nations, A song of peace for lands afar and mine, . This is my love, the country where my heart is, This is my hope, my dream, my shrine. . But other hearts in other lands are beating, With hopes and dreams the same as mine, My country‘s skies are bluer than the ocean, > ‘And sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine, But other lands have sunlight, too, and clover, And skies are sometimes blue as mine, .. O, hear my song then, God of all the Nations, A song of peace for their land and mine. wOMEN‘S INSTITUTE CAROL 1. A golden chain of kindred minds 3. From north to south, from east Extends from sea to sea, . to west, And links the thousands, each to Our hearts in concord beat, In Canada the free /each With genial helpfulness and + In union there is stzength, ‘tis love Divided we are weak; /said â€" We one another greet; So wife and mother, daughter, Then let us dedicate our powers, Each other‘s welfare seek. /maid, A loyal, happy band, 2. From household worries, care and And live for God, and truth and ‘ As sisters now we meet, /oils . right, To strengthen, hearten and assist For home, and native land. With mutual counsel sweet; We work with might and main, For common weal our hands are joined, Let each for all, and all for each Our watchword still remain.