Glen Orche ra NORTHERN AREA WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE CONVENTION 2007 Sat., September 29, 2007 9:00am registration Lakeview Srs. Hall Dwight Bay : Rd. Dwight Directions: Take Hwy. 11 to Hwy. 60 cut off and continue for approximately 24KM to the quaint village of Dwight. Turn right at Dwight B&Y . Road you are there. Lots of parking. REGISTRATION FORM BRANCH_ ________________ DISTRICT__________________ NAMES Cost $12.00 per person â€" includes lunch and registration fee. Pleas note: Since lunches will be prepared for all names registered,. the registration fee must be paid in full. Cut off date for registrations is September 14th. Persons X $12.00 =$ Please make cheques payable to: MUSKOKA . RISTICT W. L. Send cheques to Molly Morris 1003 Millar Hill Rd. R.R.4 Huntsville P1H 216 (70S â€" 635 3205)