District Annual Report 1984 cont. Page 2 l I (optional) COMPUTER CLUB '.y'ep you don't need a home computer to enjoy this one 5 L', learn computer terminology, review a buying guide f'?.))'] and develop your skills in problem flow charting e (I e .‘ " 'RtLeAeAE, Pe=== ' ‘0, . (optional) PERSONAL FINANCE ' for senior members 16-?1 years old * tt t this program was developed to help young people Ct".,,?':" ' who will be living away from home f“. AVE-39C.) examine topics like finding a place to live, 'dly - landlord/tenant relations and choosing a roomate, 'W income and expense statements, cash flows, credit _ g and loans, consumer rights and how to complain m I" effectively a iii? w, r i" 'ilEltil _ ghttMMiew. 25,itsijillliill,t: vs? 'm "sail! /†- k, "U 'tiss, AY BF, /d J: J - x sE te - ..l=r.a a,â€/ ", "acer, g? Fall 1984 FITNESS FARE food is the fuel for all exercise, eating the right kinds of food influences how you feel, look and gggt perform sstiliiti3.i)rti; examine the relationship between food and fitness '5r5C,F,P, _ - '.'G' by looking at your" own eating habits " learn safe techniques of weight control (not fad diets) and get involved in a personalized fitness program ADULT PROGRAM Short Courses: A NEW WAVE 0F COOKING North Bay approx. 150 people © I o FAVORITES FROM THE FREEZER (by sponsorship only) North Bay Trout Mills ill approx. 30 people Redbridge Phelps NI approx. 18 people Adult Workshop: MORE CENTS THAN DOLLARS economical and tasty meals for the family 8 groups (3 N1) Summary My Attendance 'estsiiiiiiiifgziiC, 'l ___ W. 'CtlDgEtittrgrat_'irii:e'ctci' t 21'., er2tsmrtytli'.i-i-'-' arddk' =Fe .../3