, , " , "is _ F 1leh.y2.tg?tg.?S.Uyhr9, EOR'1984485 _ Convener - Mrs. Henry Buyck, ' R.R. #2, Wgnetasmn, mtario AM 1m Districts in area - 6 Districts reporting - 6 Tq Branches in area - 43 Branches reporting -. 43 p The emphasis this year in nest districts was an education with cultural activities in second place. Only a few reported programs about the Women'- Institute. there were-severalprograms listed which should have been reported under a different convenership. I have included a few at: the end of this report. V The word in the convenership is "Education" not: educational. Almost any program could be called "educational", but it would not: be a "study of education" at any level. A detailed report follows. . A - Men's Institute Groanizations Matt-,0 - The Men's Institute is like a bank; the more you put: into it, the note you get out of it. Roll Calls - Name an achievement brought about by the Wmnen's Institute. How can we improve our Women's Institute. A paper was given on the history of the Federated Warren's Institutes of Ontario, its structure and how it relates to the Federated Naten's Institutes of Canada and the Associated Country Wane“: of the World. At another meeting, a past Provincial Board Member gave information about the Women's Institute at all levels. A third. report told of learning about the Teaten's Institute novemnt - in Bugle-1d. Che oonvener closed her report with these words - Let's try to recruit new younger where. _ B - Education at. all legals Teach children to respect their community and the citizens who built it. Education is not only a road to living, it makes life worth-bile. _ The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the, superior teacher deronstrates and the great teacher Inspires. Education is like lighting a lamp, not filling a bucket. They say they can make gas out: of garbage. Why not. They are making movies, books and TN. movies out of it already. In youth We learn, in age we understand. Only some of us learn from other peoples' mistakes,- the rest of us have to be the other people. 1 . As the day dawns, so does the computer age. We learn as we teach. Education is not more to prepare life, it: is a continuous part: of life. Roll Calls ' T What education do you consider beneficial to men? Summing you as an adult can learn from being with a child. How to educate yourself. Recite a poem. My present armory of a day in school. _ _ What has been taken out: of the schools or put: into the system and whether you think it was a good idea or bad idea. q Activities and Prom:i ans Branches continue to donate to scholarship funds at local high schools. One branch donated educational equigtent to a local public school as an "In Meroriam". One gave a cash donation. Another gives what is called "Merit Cheques". Mariners of a branch help with various activities at the school and some mothers go to a school to help with the children. Members enjoyed taking part in programs and courses offered at their new school.