Jean Johnson R.R. # 2 Warren, On POH 2N0 \ * _ 73/(7,()7?&, x2 ""7Oï¬/ March 10. 19 + / 5 â€" Jean Tanberg,Area Curator + Site 18 Rainbow States Lo Etwell Road 4 R.R.# 1, Huntsville, On P1H 2J2 4 D Marjorie Wall, District Curator Box 190 Mattawa, On Re: Kipling Branch 100th celebrations for hist ©Yy Book Dear Fellow Members: Enclosed please find copies of our events ang Pictures for your Tweedsmuir History Book. Y Sincerely, . 5_@/4% (B:}’A/fl/z’k’â€"“/ Copies to Area & District Curators. Branch Curator. PUctures +o fz//uw \