BA&TH _ sALTs ( 2 wpm es , Haterials: spsom salts (5 lLbs) (CGneaper in bulk) #ood colouring . *1ixing bowls rretty bottles â€" shampoo, salad @ressing jJars, etc. Divide the spsom salts into the mixing bowls. {as many bowls as colours wanted). Putb a few dréps of food colouring into each bowl. work colouring in with hands until evenly tinted. add a few drops of perfume or cologne. *he colours could be alternated when filling the containsrs. UDscorate the outside of the bottles with hand painted designs or decals. _ARTTISILG gJTATIONuRY Fold plain typing paper in half then draw a pretty design in one corner {left) with coloured pencils. 24 shsets and 24 envelopes in a package could be tied with ribbon, wrapped in clear plestice and sold for @1.00. BOill48 To VAaSuS Wash bottles in hot soapy water, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Faint the bottle in a coat of flat paint for base. Let dry overnight. «ill a large pail to within 4" of top with water. Put a few drops of quickâ€"drying enamel on top of water {enamel floats}. ®latten out the drops on the surface by gently blowing them. Hold the bottle by the neck or inside, dip it down into the water, twisting it as you dip. Lon‘t stop part way as the ; bottle picks up tre colours on top of the water. Carefully remove from the water and set it on a newspaper to dry. When dry give the bottle a luster with wax and p.lish. ‘Chese could sell for w1.00 f wINEaRr FLowers Thess sre ideal for children or shutâ€"ins. Mix well, 6 thls. coarse or plicokling salt, 6 thls. bluing, 6 tbls. water and 1 tbl. ammonia. wlace small pilecses of hard coal in a disk. #tir the above mixture ard place over the coal. Add several drops of food colouring here and there to make coloured flowers fom. SsECOND MeYTHOD FOR WLUWN&RS Place a small pisce of caal in a dsep bowl. add 7 thls. water, 3 tbhls. bluing, 5 drops of Mereurochrome and 5 drops of iodine. Add 1 tsp. salt and 23 tbhls. of water. Add the last two itoms every day during growth of flowers.