I f' " u, ' 27M7UL/l/L/L/ tr/- i -; ', L _ Leaders Mrs. B. Sells, Mrs.l l KG. Coridll, Mrs. V. Page and "rf _.-..----. _ --.--_Meee- ' Mrs. D. Purdy of Monteith .at- ‘ i itended the 44H leadership cou- I _ ‘rse which was held recently in , Iroquois Falls. This project will, _ V ' he on Bedroom Accessories. I _ ', Monicme Vtutderthoseh of’Mo-i . " I with. daughterof Mr “I“... Page 6 TIMMINS DAILY PRESS, Monday, Feb. 17, 1975 ‘Mrs. Arnold ir.andisrbos.rett recs . t'--"i""----"'"-'-"T--'-""-""'-""-""""'-'-'Tlr ielttlv received honors in her. _ , , _ piano "8,i',ep)t1d tlf in}; the ' / ., _ ' l . A 1sc, C P b1 , ' ephemera w 0 m . ommuntty ro ems a I I Eleven members of the Min tenor Mrs. Tilmev The memle - to IC nteith Women's Institute atte- ers spent sometime looking at _ Med the February meeting at the hismi‘y of the village from _ - ' ' _.-' the home of Mrs D Tinney. its carlv days to the present Number 2 group of the Mrs Anne Krikhen presided Lime and its many changes. I Monteith 4-H Club recently held and opened the meeting in the Roll call was for each me- thefirst meeting of the new unit _ usual intanner with Institute mber to write their family his. ' at Mrs. V. Page's home. - Code and Mary Stewart Collect. low or some incident or‘ hap" ' Minutes of the previous mee- Iysnlas! in Montaith. Some were T M.rs. Denis Purdy is once tine were read by secretary- turned inland other member-s} again the leader. Mrs. Violet treasurer Mrs Jenny Mitchell will submit them shortly. ' . Page is her assistant. Correspondence was read, whi. Motto was 'All work and no 7 . ch included a request for skilfhmalies WI members at " _ _ - I â€Accesso: ‘a donation to Mental Hearth u unc , _ ' rielsh {31:31: Ig,1ti "The girls f,'etit//lg. It was 1decided that le if“; afghan! draw, tr, i . . a one ion wont e sent, as nut y as ss, wason y. .gsdeussed colorschemes for the in previous years Mrs mean _ _ t i rooms. . Also included was letters and A social hour tollowad the Cibw wheels elected: Tte/f; Harms for the giriel's can? meeting. I t . T ,(. r _ Nicole Cyr; secretary, De le ‘erenee in Guelph and particu- [r _ ' __. t f //a _ (/irasl'gr' reporter, Vera "t of the same. an en DSC . was also decided that pu- _ We school (Jr.) trophies are 5 i . . . cri' / -d' ’ I,†'44)?» 1btejtpd, forbthls year. l Semor Citizens 7 ref 924 if C-tvw my†7A., _ ts ion will e sent to a l .. N [ f _ f if “’7 belies 'id family Are Entertained 3 , " YEARS AGO wr 1'tulf, it2tiaiies01te dt Monteith Women's Institute 1 _ l 3182.000900 development project to liar citizens of the Canton lull held a birthday party for the , utilizehydmrelectrie tsapaeitrofrfveisinthe , 'but due to many tel South Centennial Manor PM Aor.th was unveiled by Ontario Hydro _ tmenis of the ETOOIIWho‘ residents. i . iphairman James Duncan. Three gem. CV , _ entertain the Uiiir, Monteith Public School pupils , ., tiuny were to be constructed on the tt ' '; under the direction of principal [ Ingama River between 'lltl,ifsll1eli/,'J, Pls) P Dostwmed 1utrf Mar, Gordon Philips and Mrs. J. . 1 James Bay, with the first plant going tite,' i'" ' I. . l i' Kent put on a tumbling, square 1 l Little Long Rapids. - DMSION HELD _ C l dance and singing program, ill _ Several subjects were “that Lunch, was served with a Iti Reeve Arthur Leroux of Calvert To _ discussion. which concern“: that birthday cake, baked and .., Jgp.istef “Hittite municipality own the community. one being trig you decorated by Mrs. B. Sells. 13' 'tAlert. Mummpal Telephone System we wane problem. which up; 'iiti't I Happy birthday was sung to ( _ _. tc8fi'fpeal that the operation fall under: a Imam-treasurer stated shy Z i those marking their birth ays' " meipal committee. . written to several auttftit& , Mrs. Belhumeur, Mrs, Ginn, i _ ' . . _ in regards to this and " Wr; Mr. Wrigglesworth, Mr. Boutin, Wt Tohelp him celebrate his'83rd birthdig.m tlil detlniAtuis.we.r, She "idpi, J Charbonneau and Mr. l , , _ TP, friends surprised Albert tuat of that according to items b'Mg. in: Gehard- nteith. He was a pioneer resident of the The 1hiilv Press it is _ "~ Gifts were presented to each _ i Tet) Ited residents do have anM .i marking Kggg‘iays- . t l _ _ Irs: .em. "L'? l, m or mtraMu8CitWrn' sr" it. / Another matter was Er3ht Willa lunch. V I . ., , t. ' .noern ot the parents in - -- ""1 - r, r _ w,,,.,' "l id: to the Bailey Bridge , - 7/lay /f, 'rla'u V . ' 'Iwhlch children travel to i) it {'4 at“ M. ME. . .r .s: Er. ,. T? - - - w. - " A