//-o/. J {C s-c-CT.?-, - //70‘7/ ‘l I -- 1: 'p" / 7 l? g) . ).__ 111;â€;Qi5n itct/g1itfjy'v'.ii'i?"i'r-"'s I'. l 23W ciauctA, (gentry t H itisii 1â€,†'l,.' -11 _ _ 62) , _ 'Pr FM - '/ 1 " , m 14' W 1 . ' 1 " _ i I; 7 M M' _ -e . n l-vu-shy ct. " . I - . MGi7, -. ' no; W711, a, “£71441 d " ', 1- I "I 'tlfftllPttr', 2c.-',t #JV tC-zatssa/0aruadr4ga) " r I" 1 " CT, (l _ l 'l _ I W "--1rarzc-' _ _ - .. ", 1-.-: r, I C t...“ " I " ii EETS _ ' _ , I 1 TOF' - .11onte111 . - w ___ I?“ . l .. , _ also present. The girls were 7 7 shown how to finish the hems 1 _. _ ___ - - ___ - _ TSW ot their dresses. Attending T “is 1',“ were: Theresa Johnson, Lynn - _ v. _ he] 1 t8q8tlMt _ __ ' Palmer, Mary Hendry, Cindy m Im BBB, 111,131,, 7 and Sarah McDonald and Pau- __ __ """r - Les 1 Jttprefri' 1- Th' 111-3 line Sells. They willmeet Mrs. Sells and Assistant lea- again at the leader's home on , - _ der, Mina Montague in ehar- April M; and they will com- ge. plete their dresses, bring their 1 V The girls worked onthehem- books up to date and make tb, - - V line, sleeves and neck of their preparations tor Achjev _ dresses. They have to tinish at Day w . 1 h _ _ _ - 7 their dresses and books this m J); , weekend, and hand them in , TV . _ -tT . Monday. in preparation tor - .-. ....:...__.. ".utcu' T “1:55 1iKiivS i, [ chievement Day, May 8, at Jo- . ' V . y, g is _ __ seph_H. Kennedy School, Ma- .. . . . ‘ 7 _ 15m. theson. ’ - Cir, mm 1 _ Th -, _ '2 ' Next meeting will be held in P-- u . 1 . d , J. A? _ um -; 1 Monteith. It Will conclude 4H p ea H .accepte ' . s _ tivities until September .ete . . us for her girls. E ial me . Mai ac . . 1 rr ll i l ' V spec tlt Attending: Lorraine Elms, . . g r s were awe 1 ytst Saturday sistggt 1e Karen Topping Brenda ---eeN. ifieates. They were yder Mrs. Mina Montaéue of Martha D . ' m Doey,' Ponald and Th [ Pottsvllle accompamed them. Elizabeth thalf] _____e_ _ on. Monteith's pr IE _ The girls saw slides on ar- -- - - . ine Sells accepted on ',1 'l lubits from other years " r 1. . . L' 1 _ 1 tt two. ‘ _ had their 4-H books and are-1: l _ ' -, r “ " F _ Pits . . " , "q .tive , ' 'tttr 1x.tr?rityf by Miss Borde T ‘ u _ _ , Kink-land lakes a. home e ' , _ I 1 “Kim name Ps' I ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 I [ I sh" _ ir: ,tIDTODD‘ l _ f, "' ‘ Brenda: and Mai“ " " p The Bobby and D . " l "'- . "- ' iili'lri'il1trti',il'itltfet ’ 1 1tels attendedavtlgfam g ttteg 1i,r,ylit ‘ (uyf 1%. .1; 1.1 hlevement Day activities a ig5'it L', ch it ttttiii W (tsite",'.:?:) 9.19:0. Jd UI Matheson, December q, itxiCrt _ ‘ Mt . pt. ' .1 l we. 81200†were awarded to the I 'mitiiii,i/ 'ifiiiitjie, b; .1 . rls 31335131111191, tmitppd l 1121151111111 12,121 .1, 1- ven r.- . 1 r, km " I q .1.- _ m 1 u . _ Sta,, "t'taailist1lll9aila. -, V - rr ' ‘ _ - I fi:glllRliiiiiiFNq I N //.