r v', 7 _ op / / [A - GIRLS y .1 - . _ "WhatShallrwearr'was the Mrs. Donna Mate, home . theme of demonstrations and economist from New Liskeard, - T T - exhibits at the 4-H Homemaking commented on the exhibits and Club Achievement Day of Ciych- demonstrations. She congratu- - - _ rane South District, held at lated the girls on their hard Joseph H. Kennedy School, work and urged them to conti- 7 _ Matheson. nue striving for the ideals of the Black River No. 3 chose an 4-H. - exhibitdepictmg "Good lines in , - ' dress for the short, heavy The girls modelled the en- figure"; commentator was sembles they had made. Patsy Ewen. A demonstration Achievemnt certiiicates:Blatek V by Black River No. lion "Colors River Nu, I, leader, Mrs. and textures for youâ€was given ‘I-larvéy Dirham and Mrs. by Wanda Shannon, Tammy George Daoust, Margaret Bus- Cunnington and_Shelly Mona- tard, Nancy Bustard, Elizabeth han. Shillington choseâ€Blouses McChristie, Mary-Lynn Petti- are Versatile", with Brenda grew,Linda Ronholm and Irene ,. - Doey giving the commentary. Tisdale; Black River No. 3 “yaLGagne; No. 1 demonstra- -leaders Mrs. Jos Wright and . T ted "Lines to suit your figure" Mrs. 0. Bondarenko, Sherry with Brenda Page, and Mary- Bondarenko, Wendy Bruce, anne Penney. Bonny Whitmell Kathryn Dyer, Crystal Ewen, of Porqais No. 2 spoke an “e Patricia Ewen and Jean Wright; _ exhibit "A Color Scheme for a BlaekRiver Np. 4, leaders, Mrs. Wardrobe". "Right Lines Can Thelma Miles and Mrs. Norma _ Flatter Your Figure" was ex- Monahan, Margaret Ann Bar. plained by Lillian DaMhrowitz nes, Kathy Brinton, Tammy V 7 - and Janice Bustard of Matheson Cunnington, Debra Miles, Shel- No. I. 'iy Monahan, Wanda Shannon; Black River No. 1 had an 1,ilttr0uoa:N.t.2leaders, Mrs. attractive exhibit showing "A G. Edwards and Miss Susan _ Casual Outfit for a Barbeque" Silverson, Sandra Bender, Joy- with Nancy Bustard commen- ce Edwards, Kelly Ellis, Kathy tator and Kathleen Durham Silverson and Susan Silverson; model. "How to Plan a MallESQ..N9- 1, leaders Mrs, Wardrobe T' was demonstrated Georgina Richardson, and Mrs. T by Sandra Bender and Kathy Lee Ann Dambrbwitz, Janice Silverson of Black River No. 2. Bustard, Marylyn Durham, _ - - .Lynn, Palmer of Nonteitlr,t JoAnne Gorrinte, Sheila Petti, plained"Good Lines in dress for grew and Karen Whalen; my _ _ V a tall slim girl." Vimy Ridge? Ridge, leader Mr. Gorrie Dun- _ newcomer this, year gave a nink and Mrs. Jean McKenzie, demonstration entitled IA Pldn- Marlene McKenzie, Debby Pi.. ned Shopping mp". wit.h Mar- geon and Melanie Pigeon. lene McKenzie and Jennie Dun- County honours: Patricia nink. Ewen, Margaret Ann Barnes, . Kathy Brinton, Debra Miles, .. Janice Bustard, Bonny Whit. _ mell, F',iayri.tysJitllsi, and Debby Pigeon; "Provincial honors: _ . l " Margaret Bustard, Mary Lynr _ Pettigrew and Karon Boyd, 0 c