QFELQELFLS_; 2ffL?z2.9f.3, . ( g1:E_NING ODE ) . Tune: Auld Lan S ne Past President -Mrs. John Martin Sr.Box 73, Englehart g y . A goodly thing is to meet . President -Mrs. Jos Wright, Matheson . In f'riendship9s circle bright, . . , 258 Matheson Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet lst Vice President _ -Mrs. Harvey Durham,Box .’ Nor dime the radiant light. . . 1 Natheson _ No unkind word our lips shall pass, 2nd Vice President -Mrs. Leo Humphries,R.R.f2, ‘ Bugo enKy Soil st/gil/Ihre", l'. . eac s a see e common wea Secretary Treasurer -Mes. Dalton Shannon, Mathéson The good of all mankind. , . ' teith Public Relations Officer ~Mrs. Fred Corkhill,Box tl, Mon . . . J theson Board Director, Subdivision 28a.tyrs. Willard Miles, Box 27;,Fh THE MARY STEWART COLLECT Alternate Board Director -Miss. Harvey Durham,BoX 253’ Matheson Keep us o-lL-,",] from pettihess‘ let us be . Liskeard . I . ' _ T . . . .-tsr l _ . Box 706 New large in thought in word and deed. weedsmuir History Curator Mrs. J.h, Fairman; . , ne Let us be don? with fault finding and leav Di -4 . .R. . Cochra . off' self seeking. irectors Ire.. "hfir/1"yey,') iid', Charliogritatlon May we put away all pretence and meet -.lv . , . . e Hi To . Tr -Mrs. w. Lane, R.R.3, New LlsMatheSOn' each other face to fate, without self pits -irfr Willard Miles Box 272, and without prejudice: P s, T - . , . s th Porcupine May we never be hasty In judgment and Co mi -.l'e . _ -BOX an ou l always generous. . mmittee 1rrici',: 1iJei1t"cE2,r',t.'ji'.u'it.'e,iiirescm Let us take time for all things; make us gr' _ -Mrs- Della Tinney, Montelthé Cochrane calm, serene, gentle. . _ . -_ Mrs. Fred Barkhouse,BOX 123 t Teach us to put into action gur better lmPU- -r, . . . straight forward and unafrai . _ . Bi . I . Matheson Grant that we may realize that it is the Ir ' Atéiggrgg -Mrs. Harm Dunnigké R;R.l, Nathefon, things that create differences; that in th -Mrs. Robert Rho e , 1 Matheson . T__. . ,. P -Mr Sidne -daArisin,R.R. ' big things of life we are one. S. y And may we strive to touch and know tge . _ s a an _ n T IM TEE CONVENQRS . ea great human heart common 0 u . Family and Consumer AffagiéflDlflgi駥g%%Fiï¬aes,Box yTf, New Lisk rd o Lord God let us not forget to be kind. Citizenship & World Affairs -Mrs. Fred Shier, HuntaEn lehart Agriculture & Can. Industries -Nra. E. Walton,R.R.23 E73 Englehart Education & Cultural Activities-Mrs. John Martin Sr. rBox 986 Earlton Resolutions -rcrs. Hartley Houston,B°X _. ,