V, Election of officers tor 1968- o THE DAILY PRESS, TIMMINS, Ont., Thurs., May 30, 1968 . 1969 were as follows: past ure- -t-----t- sideat Mrs. Harvey Durham, ' president Mrs. P. Say1or, I..irst ' vice president Mrs. W. Miles, Mrs Sa lor Elected 1 second vice president Mrs. o. . Y ' Mosgrove, secretary treasurer . ' Mrs. L. Humphries, federation . . ' representative Mrs. Harvey Dur. ' _ ham, alternate Mrs. G. Storm, t IS nc ee public relations Mrs. F. Corkill, ‘ district delegate to area Mrs. H. . Duguay, alternate Mrs. Walker. The district of Cochrane South Friendship and area donation. Conveners are Agriculture and Women's Institutes met at the District directors for the'co- Canadian Industries Mrs. .q. Parquis Agricultural Hall for its ming year are: Mrs. W. Miles, Hoffman. Citizens and Educa- annual meeting. Monteith and Mrs. F. Corkill, Mrs. A. Rye, tion Mrs. D. Shannon, History Parquis Branches were the hos- Mrs. W. Rodgers, Mrs. Grenier. and Current Events Mrs. nil tesses. The theme was education Minutes of the lan annual 'Lehman, home 1'fh'l1/i't2'/"' gel 'and the motto: 'The aim of edu.. were read. Treasurers report Ilealth Mrs. P. Gum 'lit reg. _ cation is the training at the Irs, was accepted as read. Mrs. J. trons Mrs. Harvey Dur allli, is- iellect, actively developing char. A, Fairman, New Liskeard, torian curator Mrs. T. ed Th rracter, and preparing a practi- brought greetings from Pnrpim .Bplty.re, Branchh “mt the“ cal preparation for lite.' cial President Mrs. E. Small. District to 'E't tMEI'e Il 1969†C District president, Mrs. Har- 'Mrs. Fairman then introduced Russ M119 Ha Lr/IL thanked vey Durham opened the meet- Mrs. Elton Armstrong, a home The cour “YB†eh for having ing with the Institute Ode and economics representative from the Hostess 512% ecial guest’ The Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Toronto. In her report of the I the ggeut’éis the il'; uis UW P. Corkiil, Monteith welcomed past years work, Mrs. Fairman 1 for 'E h ' q the visitors on behalf of the told of the need to keep suppor- for a une -» hosting branches. ting the Adelaide 'sii'ii'ifi'isl The president addressed the Homestead fund for the upkeep, members on the, theme stressing of the house and grounds. 1968) e how school plays a big part of is Human Rights Year and) later life. Six branches answer- should remember all human be-- gan... PM] can of pennies‘for "rl, are born equal. ? â€â€˜ s. Armstrong spoke of howw one was; act and talk retleets on the education received ail school and at Mme. er-_-e Reports for_ 1967 - 68 were feed by: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries by Mrs. A. Hoff- V man, History. and current events by Mrs. R, .Cayloy for Mrs. J. Ighman. citizenship and educa- tion by Mrs. B. Rhodes for Mrs. P; H. Critchley, home economics and health by Mrs. R. Brace for Mrs. G. Pms, public relations and donations representation by erS. F. Corkill, history curator by Mrs. L. Gettier, safety V by Mrs. F. Clark, and resolutions by Mrs. J. Wright. Guest speaker .at the after. noon session was Mrs. R. Craig, 'Matheson, a home visiting tea: 'cher for the pre - school age chddren of the area. She des- iwlbed her work with the childr‘ m in their homes and ale $tlf for the Deaf in th ,e. , Miss Jean Crosskill spoke on the bil Clubs in the district and courses for senior and junior institutes. Mrs. J. Walker and In. H. Duguay, delegates to the Ralph eonferenee, gave . re. ions on their trip and hang mm â€lava - .. _