. i Tt Y)).', t ITt ~an I 'Crt, IiItr' . 1 ELL. RATED WuIleN S INSIITUlLS cr CNTAHLO, I R. R, k'a, Rodney, l, Ontario, NCL 200 3 October h, 1977 l 1* Mra. Harry Smith, 5 R. R. W1, Uttereon, f Ontario; PCB LMC) Dpar Mrs. Smith: In reply to your' letter dated September 23, re: t2ontr1buti.orns to the ' Erland Lee Foundation Fund. " Please send cheque made payable to: Federatef Women's Institutes of Ontario . earmarked in left hand corner (lower) 1 â€Erland Lee Fame Foundation Fund†to: FPderated Women‘s Institutes of nutarim, g Fifth F'loos, 1200 Bay St. Toronto, M53 2A6 If this 15 a donation from a Branch, District or Area the office secretary will make out a receipt and I will accompany this with a hand written acknowledgement, '; If this 19 an Individual donaticn, and Offical Féceipt for Income Tax purgoses will accompany the hand written 'ae'rrnnwlssdrc)wrnt by ' myself. If this is in memory of' a deceased member, I 2130 soné an ascrrpur1ecryr-overrt to the familya At present we have no 3990131 cards to be placed in Funeral Home,, I The Erland Lee Home oczmittee are plirased to learn of' your promoting l the Erland Lee Home Foundation Fund at District Annuals and the Northern Area Convention, and gratefully appreciate all your eufnrte. I home this answers all ymur questions and feml free to write if I may be of further asrirc'tisnce. Yourm 'rirnrceroly, Hilde G. Ffor'den (lrrmc. Earl) Sec, Tress. FWIO- l l 0,0. Yrs, Austin s, Znelier, Chairman, Erland Lees Home Com Ittee Mrs, Herbert Maluske, President, FWIO. HGM/h