Good Manon Rules Forget each u kindness that you do as soon as you have done it; ' Forget the praise that falls to you the moment you have won it; . Forget the slander that you heard before you can repeat it; Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer, whenever you may meet it. Remember every kindness done to you whate'er it measure Remember praise by others won and pass It on with pleasure; Remember every promise made and keep it to the letter; Remember those who lend you aid and be a grateful debtor. Rem-her all the happiness that comes your way in living; Forget each worry and distress, be hopeful and forgiving; Remember goodz, remember truth, remember heaven's above you. And you will find through age and youth, that many hearts will'love,-you. At twenty, you had your life mapped out. After forty, you realize _ you failei to put " all the detours. . You're an old-tlater " you can remember when hotdogs were long enough to stick out both ends of the bun. Question: Why do we have earthquakes? _ . ." Answer: Because Mother Nature forgot to take her earth-control pills. * * * I * . There's a feeling comes upon you, When your pocket book is low, ' Sort of like that gloomy feeling When you watch a loved one go. _ But there's naught can match the feeling . of frustration in your soul, When you're reaching for the paper And there's nothing on the roll. * l * * I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellas: creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. _ * * a! _ * ' _ Patience walks with steady tread, Faith, with uplifted eyes, But Rope, tiptoeing on ahead _ Sees first the sun arise. Z: z f) . Helen Anderson _ Subdivision #11