o l 1 Smile and the sun will pierce Thought: J . You can't control the the shadows P Trust, and the mists will roll length of your life, but away you can control its' width - Give, and the Heavens will and depth. . shine with glory You can't control the I Work, and you 11 have a baggy features of your eounte- _ y. nance, but you can control _ its expression. . You can't centrol the distance your head shall be abo be above the ground, but you can control the height [ . of the contents of your head. IT IS YOUR LIFE!! T Vegetable Medley: ' Banberry Squares q lac sliced onions £2353 2c celery (sliced & parboiled) _ 'd', Eutger go flour Iirts carrots (out in 2" strips C ar tNetr & parboiled 7 min.) Ir, milk 1 egg %c green pepper strips l tsp salt 2c stewes tomatoes ( commercially Make like pastry, roll twice canned) . size of pan & put l in 4 tbsp butter bottom. l tsp pepper filling PPV _ " tsp salt 1 h d . . .3 1 tbsp sugar I: guggge ra1s1ns 3 tbsp minute tapioca 1 lemon; juice & rind Mix well in two qt. casserole, 1 egg _ Cover tightly & bake at 350 - 1 hr. Il tbsp butter _ Good for potluck suppers Place.in saucepan & cook until ' thick stirring constantly. . Let tstool-slightly & spread _ t on bottom crust, cover with remaining crust; cut in _' _ squares before baking in I oven at 350 about l - 1 hr. Freezes well Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence...... Talent will notta1othing is mOre-t30mmor1 than unButatsessr1itrrer1 withtalent.. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is;a1most a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are-omnipotent. the slogan "press on" has solved, and always will solve, ttle-problems of the human race. Anonymous V . _ 1/ / -~ '3.' . - '/ _ -' ' rse,d 4512f P' a "j/tc/io/ov-sid-viva-el/kt-I- sf/je',"" _',e-"st"'l . C'" *// ,:se,f.C, e»c/ -/’ ' it ',u))tdiC-v"/fCit/sp2g)--,cit, , WM" 4)