I Kipling Women‘s Institute former Curator of this > Tweedsmuir History Book Mrs,. Fred,. (Anne) England,. A very special thanks for all the many hours of work lone by Mrs, England in getting this book ready for This is truly a Centennial Project of the highest degree. Without her devoted time and efforts this book would not be what is is today. fWigeimiom: h 28. t | s “%‘â€â€˜I?"“f"fl CX t PRIENDSHIP uons ~ VIPHE [Rifl| | © + «lh ud eVEA _ 4 lax Smss & ~: x 3 U ol s | .k"v."::': Anne wearing her native costume typical of Norway. . « & .." KIPLING PIONEERS 1893 â€" Kipling History ; We sn " Kipling Women‘s Institute and Curator f "OUR ANCESTRY IS OUR FONDATION + CURATOR: Jean Johnson, Mrs. E. Edmund , 1969â€"2011 Over 40 Years of collecting and recording Kipling Information A Labour of Love to try and preserve our Ancestors journey 1 222222222222