_ . ' _ _ "r---------------; 'PHutu FALLS: " Tr, TT'5Trrir,2,',' _ C:: Institute Correspondence s h------'----------- 4‘“ ". JV. L Meeting ' WW}?â€" ' i The. ".ti11arr,ltityns mum “up“? otl .ma et " ems Wtrmea's tnsutyte News _ q . _ Women's i,t..stitut.if:iGi"t1e.Wit,'fii', t _ a. We 1)yi.rrm Falls plant ot The June meeting or the Women's T l (alfalfa-4133?}; en '.' their he ~Abitlbi so. was read. The Institute was held at the home of . . seven w"iieCii'i'it'2'lilld1"ir'ji'i'lti1 3:332:33?!†-was making and, Mrs. Ann Hamstra with ulna mem- . present. og'pe"ttusme. was maiesit, . 3 Fast er eggs try Mrs. Irene hers and live visitors present. Mrs. . _ events unaware roll oap' waskinn'. grimy. Contest was a lucky num- .M. Young at pochrane, former dis- . . :swereg by‘inoting an important il',',', which was won by MN. I. triot president _and now district . i Event of Iwi. It was moved that 'lrit rd chairman of the North Cochrene . ' . l .. . . ', l, we reed " 91.1551 fowl! a quilt _ the Bilge “:36 f,U't'2i', 11:: 1:3. survey. was our guest speak. ilNfral5ghiEf Bttletlt' gf wasâ€; s' . . . _ _ BirtlE "alihliil'lftlii" 731- 'terved.trr.the hostess. . Roll‘call was to be answered by F r.i)j..lltiifall5ll.t'fili"i"i"it .. "E .. -.-_ _ ___i:rlnglng a visitor,“ and visitors . _... ' ".-..rt _ EIM5 was: " gnu-s . ' ' . - _._........ __ - _ T . _ , 'l'i'9S, N F n- ts, â€for†'l,':", Ft.', IS; V .. w. I. Meeting were MN. B. Hadley, Mrs. K, Wal- 'i'iitllii'ja'i'iS1?iti 'ti,i',tg,2'gg")t'ls' 3 April 'meetlng ot'the'Wom- ttron, Mrs. K. Moore and Mrs. E. . - 'iilliilf.i"iliifirlt,., TV t'tc, ., 1'.3ii. 'AN" tstt's mm. was held at the We . tiliMr.MBli 'ltliiiiliit",tiil'jiii'f,i't; home of Mrs. Evelyn Ayers, with The presidertt's address was read _ mlif8i!F BiS,?,iSfs'e,'ie,n'l),5?i. Jive members present. The meeting and an item of interest was that _ reducing swims†WImotion was on opened with the_W.I. carol and the Jalaalnese women have only been [ . =ber iiving he“ I each mem- theme 'was annual meeting; Roll allowed to vote eight years." _ i ,. ' '.' The. l amp e. ; . 'tall was answered with 3 written' q The CAC. Bulletin was passed _ --'-'-Tiii,i; (xrRtMbarrrpoirersorotmarhici' szremrtr~~ . around and ttumtM-illnetrg wpam- l 'Si' 'lltir.'i.,t1e,l,'l, by Mrs. H. West] A letter qt thanks was to be sent phlets were given out, also cards to . _ {Sunshin "we? With Choosing at a' tq Nt. D. Ntarwiek tor offering to be filled out for the TB x-rtty ' i . _ . aired b than, and 1Peli!iprty ter-: trope up'ind Show films. We would ttlinie Which will be visiting us soon. 1 _ (asa-lu-ttat-tttr-stem ~,_ 'd".':) '...:,.__; always welcome him when he is Mrs M, Young gave a very in- i sr- "k cu ---- _ able to mime. T Letters regarding teresting talk on the start or the g I '. lw. s. Meeting ' ' . Hornemaiter's Club wereread; it Institute' in 1897. She alsoedded a She Mrbruyt meeting. ot _"the was decided to ask torihe millinery talk In“ the secretary's conference _ I Women's mee. was held"ln the course again. at Guelph. Mrs. A. Hemstra gave 1 _ . halt with MN. Dorothy Scott as Tickets are to be made tm. a a very good talk on Brownie work I Pr95€1t9ï¬Â¢rï¬$eï¬tï¬h9~ï¬e§w3fl€s Dutch girl. quilt and it will be and showed Brownie badges and l _i'lbtifr?i,ri'ilir1, V;¥§ï¬ï¬93§¥é¥fléfl3% drmvn tor in November. told what 'they were tor.' Quilt l F . (Es/3% ï¬Wï¬ï¬‚nï¬lwï¬hpm? The Convener-5' reports were read. tickets were handed out to everyone. V Wiemawh‘éwemgT Mlï¬â€˜ï¬-j‘wï¬ _5.r Meeting closed with a Joke. Lunch Mrs, young then told us about TB . Jigk’g ., 11l.iti'i) rlifiiliie'ik"tF.i'iii(t was served by the hostess. ' and how it is spread, and urged . , _ . l T My. 'tth' "r . '.,i,t,'i'iifi'i,'tiiiiiiiitii, 'it-" _ v.--. _ -"-r. m--. “aâ€; everyone to attend the clinic when .'lifi"iiiiiiiiiilh" f _t."iiiil'ti.5itlviijf,'ii;Ct.'R.1':,), ", -=iida-'----.d-.---=uLVu" it comes. _ _ ' more: " _ are ere nadir-om? Ldtusagsvrytegpg oi_the women:- A contest on "Helping your . hairs. M. Young, Mme: Eaton‘s; Institute was held at the home ot: Neighbour" was was 'trimFirshiia --v . ‘ tef Preistmu"rsemmNrreirtsrdimr; Mrs. Evelyn Bell with seven mem- ter Cote and there was many a . 'tat form. . labors resent. Roll call was nnswer- laugh over some of the ideas. Meet- ut m ti . p . 'd..,' (, ki, l; 42% ut1t':eigeet1t?tr' wFII -.ed with a. successful gardening hint. [he closed with each member saying l ¢§§W+9wwxwgï¬fggng Letters were read regarding re- what she hedeot out of the wa. F 3 r'iisiit'liitt'ffiiii,f,siif.ii'ii' 135.3% 0 7gilgi1ltj, Educ“ fares for student nurses. The by being a. member. Lunch was ser- (i" . (ii,'ri'i'j.";'f,'tj,th" i,1l!liliti'ri,'i R' A... i W_program tor the District Annual ved by the hostess. ' ii .-_ ...~...> . t trrr . ----r--Ciri'hiiish'i"iiii, . ' r: itJli'/i?'iii'iiii, .was_read and a letter tram the pro- T Ott Thurs d. i h ' t T ..... .. . f 'sti?g'gtti,11 'slli8,'4i"1'-, metal" resident. Mrs. McPhacter. .' . . " n “£13.23. th L _ . lb I V P most enjo abie’ev l _ il; se,t','8, il3y,ll,?,'ir,,l . ' r- r!i"g.1iis,ii,l: n us to Din the Canadian :y en ng was spent at 3, “an m, ( , Jr, mg! g ‘the hail'wh th h , ts'), awe-F3. "v.1. 'fp,' 'l8fJ,?b'7.fiiyf?ri, Association at consumers. Motions l an e " otrl children oWr . . a ;.." _ _ , _ . l. 'cC.ii.k, 'itihfshtii View“ _ ii'iia'trgfii'i' li-) held weir closing exercises. on , It W†decided that we donate the l N132 'ttll! 1ti'iii'tii:'s)i'tift. t),',si1ii'i)1l:i?il -:I.che program was a debate "Gountry money titr our secretary to attend 'i:lii,ii'i'ii1i' ‘.S-ï¬Â§:'§é!631&?bï¬f'th%°°y has 'mbre' advantages than a convention in Guelph. A paper was i).'.!.?,.?.:???:.')!; ift?l..'.ri.1F.5lir:c'll,l'ar:'ir'j, y)i5i,iieitr boy." Grades 3-4-5 held a . “may“ the “Arms andzmhlem of iiyttti,r9) .-v. - “mar #33; (5.219.;599; :pelling match. Prizes were award. P"Pe'le"". Lunchgwas served ':.'iitiiiii'ijlt'.i'ii,ilfi'ii.ffi'i, 'tii F.) 1riig'l,1fiilft to pupils With best and neatest . ' Jtr-'tl1c2rspst,w, My“; "iili'iirif.'t' ,9, T) Q3» writâ€... 'i?s'y',i;1trfl, nooks. The valedlctory address was _ an: _"'. " _. . t', '. .- v'irCt'iflTt4a'ArTiiuii'dsiirtiivr"'. zen-Air; :Iven by Joyce Wright and was Yet' ‘J 1si1ctr:': Institute ' The mm†is to eater â€the†My done . y ". ' T . . Pw ' TV school children at t e . ' ' F he March meeting was held in 95;†goat: Ig',; and also provida f. small play "The mm or School' the hall with ms. Gertrude Wright en t) , them . "is put tm by the younger grades, te'. htystess. Theme ot meeting was prizes tor "g n in Ontario" The Women's Institute catered tor "Canadian Industries" and. seven A paper on m demonstration bullet lunch. / ttst, _ . ' [2(;'i2uiutrbue"l7ll' roll tautmrptu' read and the 'l' ns lantlns , morning locations at Abitibl. plants, was . hints on "Ga 'l'SI the . .1- Letters were read trom 'fra-tw." The-tsont-st-w" . "t his I _ __-...._.. TViT A glowing, -' Dr. Legato regarding leaves" WNCh W.t1S won y . . ' . 35w: polio vaccine toi- all child- Emmer- eren to 15 years old: oat, Rey'nolds, I Lunch was served by the 'rel": . Mrs. M. Young and Dr. Bernstein. .,rr. o.otvirec.suiiy7,N Ct,r.'d; io' P.' ir? T...z,'iv, ' A motion was passed that we _ . purchase a supply ot everyday _ . greeting cards. Plans were made to . . _ __, “fl ,.-_ee have...Don Wok or _ Cochransi -', '. ' _ _." . ' _ come ug to. show his Slide: ,0! ye) travels. ,7 . _ v, _ .