------------H "FOllEWL)llly" I am so glad to hear that the Wtnucis Institutes of Ontario arc going to compile vilragts history books. Events move vt'ry fast nowadays; houses arc pulled down, now roads Alt are matte. and the aspect of the countrysitlc changes coin- plotoly sometimes in a short time. It is a most usvful and satisfying task for Womcn's instii tntt: nicmlx‘rs to saw that nothing valuable is lost or lorgottt'n, and WUHit'll should be on the alert always to guard the traditions (it their humus, and to s00 that watt'r colour skvtohcs T and prints, pomns and prose legends should find their way into thosc books. The oldest people in the village will tvll us fmwinrrtiug storiL‘s of what they remember, which thc youngcr mcnlrrs Call write down, thus making a bridge lictwevn tluun and events which happcuctl bufore they wvrt' horn. Afivr tdl, it is thy history at humanity which is continually intert‘sting to IIS, and your village histories will be the basis of accurate facts much valued by historians of the future. I am proud to think that you llilYC called than "The Tweedsmm'r Village Histories". --Wriitcvu by Lady Tuvcrlsumir. _------------------- ' A .. git sit a T .V l C, , r.'; lrrv'vrjir'il51 i + 1Jy 'o,",", ,gfiegi " i 5 ",ll" F ',(ri'i'rcj,4f? 3." t . _ P.', mm. cr""-: ' :35 i - . ‘32,. an, C ' Ltiihsi , . Re. - _ '