..-. ..........J 1) 13. APPENDIX C Id APPLICATION FOR CONTRIBUTION NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION STAGE r??, V FOR PROVINCE USE ONLY FOR CMHC USE ONLY _ CMHC ACCOUNT NO: :) 1. We, the ToNn of Iro is Fall s'_._ hereby apply forFederal contribution owe-365,113; and 7 _ . Provincial contribution of $331 , 088 J-- under the terms of Part ill-1 of the National Housing Act and pursuant . , T, ' to the agreemententered into between' the Province of Ontario and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation v-:",', 2fatadihevnacted, and Section 24 of The Planning Act, Province of On.tario, respectively. The 9"" requested contribution is to assist in implementing our improvement plan in thsiorguis-htcLtjpi, _ neighbourhood. _ _ _ _ . ',si-, 2. We also apply for an accountable advance of$_91,2;78._from the Federal Government and $52,712 -- FM from the Province and agree to account for this amount and to apply for further payments through the _ submission of Certified statements of implementation expenditures on a quarterly basis to the province. :1 3._ Municipal population. 6,728* / 4. Average Municipal household income. $9,444** i 31‘ _ 5. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD :3 DESCRIPTION Includes B undarie , attach ma h Porquis Ju(nction {Map 2? is boun‘ged on the north by Hwy.67, on the west and south by the ONR and on the east by a line parallel to the Main St. running along the R, eastern boundary of the various properties east of the Main Street: _The in Community is prisdorninantl residehtiiil with several community facilities and 2 or = r . comma cia NIP AREA POPULATION NUMBER OF OUSEHOLDS . _ 66.48A 210*** 's') estab§1 shments TENURE ESTIMATED HOUSING CONDITIONS . t Ir]]]]]]]]]]])]]:],,-,), 35 DESCRIPTION OF NElt3HB0UF1HCKX2 IMPROVEMENT PLAN? _ ' "3 I OUTLINE PLAN OBJECTIVES, NEEDS AND PRIORITIES: it; _ ., See Sections 4-10 of this application 3 91‘ *1976 Municipal Directory _ **Source - 1971 Census - see Section 3.7 of this application at ***Estimated . . i