I TYPE/ EXISTING CONDITIONS ExistiNG FAciLitiEs “ - » } WATER None School â€" no longer f Rink X 5 STREET LIGHTING Inadequate j 3 Parkette X Poor Community Centre â€" X ] SIDEWALKS Poor and Agricultural Hall Â¥o o oufpoc c > Inadequate . . # a C 1 + ' ': 0K TT ty B.Idg ‘ . - 1 6. NEIGHSOURHOOD RESIDENT INVOLVEMENT INCLUDE A LIST OF ACTIVITIES AND RESPONSIBILITY OF RESIDENT PARTICIPANTS . . 3 Rgs1dent participants have assisted in the preparation of this application and will continue to be involved in guiding the Program. The residents have ~ 3 offered to assist in the construction of the services and facilities outlined . Q in the application. Provision is made for other Neighbourhood Requirements which will be established in consultation with the residents by means of questionnaires, & input to the Coordinating Committee and a dialogue between the residents and the § Council. : â€" $ . &