q . 8. : APPENDIX "B" 2. ; | ; e 5l > a 1 APPLICATION FOR CONTRIBUTION â€" NEIGHBOURNOODL MPROVEMENT j PRCOGRAM PLANMING STAGE 200 : 3 * ‘ ‘ v T~ '- . / â€" ; FOR PROVINCIAL USE 1 ‘ FOR CMHC USE ONLY ie ons se ghou 399 320. tw css nliens itc â€" mou....culies........ o0 w . i ; # CMHC ACCOUNT NO: o 4 . i ‘ | * 1. We, the Town of Iroquois Falls _________ having selected the neighbourhood calâ€" led_Porguis JunctiOn for the Neighbourhood Improvement Program hereby apply for a Federal 3 contribution of $116 , 65q and Provincial contribution of $8, 325 ____ under the terms of Part !!Iâ€"1 of the National Housing Act and pursuant to an agreement daiéd to be_enacted ____ between the Province of Ontario and Central Morigage and Housing Corporation and Section 24 of The Planning Act, Province of 1. g Ontario and respectively. ’ <C . : bo w 0 OKo‘e , This amount is determined as follows: _ o :.‘ P Lo d ym s | > Public Participation | 2g3100 T2 uTe o p 2 L Neighbourhood Improvement Plan _ _ $ 9,400 | | 3 _ Plan Utility Improvements $13,000 . * Revise Property Standards Bylaw $ 900 M | 2e Organize RRAP . ~ $ 3,700° C . } Design Open Space & Community Facih’ties_ $ 3,200 s ' L $ > <op g‘ ____________ * . : TOTAL: $ 33,300 . ? ' Estimated Federal contribution $.16,650 ____L ___ 4 > â€" â€" Estimated Provincial contribution $_&L to 3) Estimated Municipal contribution § 8.325 ______ * 20 2. We also apply for an accountable advance of $16,650 ____ from the Federal Government and $8,325 _~___ q from the Province, and agree to account for this amount by the submission of a certified statement of i neighbourhood planning expenses by.__1. May 1977 _____. We agree to refund any unsearned portion of the advance and to allow the Province and CMHC access to records for financial audit puproses. a . 3 8. Municipal population. _ 6,728* ' ’ : :1 4. Average Municipal household income. $9,444** ’ . e *1976 Municipal Directory . 5‘ **Source â€" 1971 Census, see Section 3.7 of this application C:: * i ' 24 | .