V _ in“ ,V '-r -huIXANDER( SANDY) ADAMS FAMILY. -'" , C a . ., v., a - . Alexander, Adams Was horn in Glasgow, Scotland in 1865, and nicknamed Sandy ,l w--' for his fair hair and complexion. Re was the third son of David Adams Str., a u e _ Weaver,and AgaerrDots:i.e, who had migrated to Canada with their children when Sandy , ‘_ was two years pf age. They settled in the Renfrew area of Ontario., ' V_ H I, - 7 Sandy's first journey into the Mattawa district was for the, McCoy._Lumber Co. _ _ ---s Having/Vane)? for the future, he located two lots in Brule,_ These lots were the, _ 1., - beginning of a full life for Sandy. In I880 he met Mary Anne Sullivan, eldest _ . ,, tVV -4aughtfrr oCJYkchartLand Margaret Sullivan. The SulliVans had come north to locate in _ V nitar'1tRuthepgleriNary Anne or Mannie as she was lovingly, called, Was of Irish 7. -- -rt?rartause., Ttparents migrated to Canada from Belfast , Ipe1sxr1!i,tiapiar1tt,Happit.e C _.. -y_rezre_marrredircl8Se. Sandy built a log home on one of thei::_lot5_az1d_ theybegan ' --r9.- -V-r .theiILJ-ife tpyaetiler, Many times Mannie recalled the pleasures of that-tartist home, _ - and thegift of a cow and calf from her parents to start adarm. we_--i-ei-- _ _ ,7 _ __ The McCoy Lumber co., where Sandy Was still employed, was purchased Joy the“ ' - _ J-R- Booth Company Of OttaWa.Having a talent for cooking,_Sandy soon excelled in -the ' .. .. company é00k¢rL His bread and pies were famous. A natural talent for music made, _ Sandy popular. His Yielin in his hands , he entertains the, J.R.._Booth employees., I, t . - _ C, Opp pt the highlights of Sandys cooking career was a_three day sand. Cook-out. _,_fI‘he occasion was the christening or the..bell of_the.newly constructed. Catholic _. "___ Church at mu. ()1,a11z,rtrslllitL.rozth involv_ed was _tpgpy2ndous,tput the, celebration was. a _ _..-. w ", complete saecess.-When-the food disappeared and -the merriment began, the music for _ Tt the evenings entertainment 'irtui.trprrt,Sarpbps beloved violin.As his cooking improved .. _ so, did his potiition_ap4 he Went, Onto serve many tasty meals for the.Alanadian, Pacific Railway., '-... _ . T _ _ _ ,, _ . _ -.r- When Sandy and _Mannie_ had been_n_1arri_ed fifteen yearsand had -triel1t-tel1ildxer1s -.._-_ _ -tragedy struck their little home. Sandy had.,come home, and was helping to replenish _ . stove-wood ttar-his-ttrowers family. While-putting-a-log to the buzz-saw him foot' _ '-- -.-slipped and he fell, hisleft arm being amputated at the “elbow. ghi-s accident» _ .7 , ., ended‘his musical. career and eventually. his culinary arts as well. -With the help . A ---re .Of his family and friends, and a lot of pioneering courage, he was rehabilitated . i -'", aryd,ttqteptttp1isehest more with. one hand than many people do with two.~-A1ways at his! _ . t- ___, _ side was his, wife and their love and respect for each other f-i11ed-therir-futy I,., years of marriage. _ _ _ _ .- 'e V _ _ T . _ _ _ .. . T The remainder of Sandys active years, were Spentworking for the Government. J. â€He, became a Prest-rH',t_r'eryrer 'Ale spring following the loss oCl1is arm and spent I" ,. ,, _ ten or more years in this position. During these years part of his earnings was _ 'r-, . used for hiring men to 1re1rrhiss-gronriaedami1r, clear land and establish..a --- _ _ V. i --t-rsgy'ot-iu-cti'is farm. disables? 801.1, and Qaushter, sacrificed angN1 tomake life easier _ , for their younger brothers and sisters;., -T'-Tie Tree- -_.r___- - VFqiei.eV _ ___ V, .. . _-_