| | | hok & & & & k & & o ho ho ho ho# hoh h hok ho d hok o hoh &oh d ow ow w ore hoh hoh hok hok hok &of Rok fo# : MINUTES OF_MEETING z ; : TO_ORGANIZE A BRANCH OF THE WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE :: } : A meeting to organize a Branch of the Women‘s Institute was held i i z in Zion Line School House on Monday evening, July 7th, 1919. 2 ? ‘ c The meeting was opened by singing the opening Ode and repeating [ z the Lord‘s Prayer. There were 18 present. : ; Mrs. Mctean told of the first work of the Women‘s Institute and . s 2 all the good work done during the war, and also the future work for us to do. z : Moved by Mrs. L. Smith, Seconded by Mrs. Pappin, that Mrs. Wn. 2 ; Burns be the President. Carried. i : Moved by Mrs. Wilcox, Seconded by Mrs. McWade that Mrs. Lewis i ; Smith be Viceâ€"President. Carried. 3 ; Moved by Mrs. Cowie, Seconded by Mrs. S. Davidson, that Mps. i ; walter Davidson act as Secretary. Carried. Z % DIRECTORS : : ; Mrs. Dunlop z i Mrs. Cumnmings f f Mrps. McWade ; AUDITORS: ; Mrs. J. Cowile : z Mrs. S. Davidson z jf MOVED by Mrs. Burns, Seconded by Mrs. Cowie that we hold the : j resular monthly meetings on the first Friday evening of the month. Carried. : . i A collection to be taken at the meetings; also a social cup of : f tea. ; i Mrs. Cowie invited the members to her home for the first meetâ€" : ‘ ing, to take place lst Friday in August. f The meeting then adjourned. Mrs. Burns moved a hearty vote of : f "thanks" to Mrs. MclLean for coming out to help organize an Institute. z m National Anthem. a # & & kok & & hok hok hok hok ho ho hoh ho hoh ho ho h d hok d oo ho hoh hoh ho hok k & ho d & t & & t hom wr O /