Chill Elixlj , INDEX SECTION T. HISTORICAL RECORDS“ _ S'BCTIUW II. CITYRHIICT TIGHTS. SrDCTIC-l? II HISTORIC 1L RECORDS: History of Queen‘s Line Women‘s Institute “munch EIS'I‘ORY Cyril COLLUICI’FYI Lisp of "Early Roads and Communication Of Community. Liam of Community. Early History of Settlement. F szj‘, HI SW‘URI SS: Early map of Community With Settler‘s naue T, Century Farms“ 2. other Farms“ HIS‘ITSRY OF CJC)irri'rniLETC. Church Histories. Library History. School History. History of' all past and present industries. History of' Ciu'bs. rroersornu,1:'rties. Family Trees History of War Records. SECTION II: CURRENT EIGHT: ~-., Files of loc=l r1friif3perTrerr3. Collections in the possession of individuals. x; Photogrenhs . Records of various societies. Cemeteries, Local Commercial and. Industrial Sources.