â€" 8 with two councillors absent, the question was disposed of by the County Council. It would have been a nice thing if the Institutes of Renfrew County could have pointed to an establishment of a health unit as an achievement in our Golden Jubilee Year (1947). We were disappointed but not disheartened, because we must guard the health of our children. "The County‘s most precious asset." As we entered 1947 we were spurred on in our efforts by ' the realization that this was the W.L. Golden Jubilee Year.. How we looked forward to this 50th anniversary. Just for one District Annual we wanted to rest on our laurels and look backwardsâ€" "Just to be young again" â€" "just to be gay", "just to meet with old friends again." Just to be present at one district annual where we could do honour to the memory of the heroie women who had done the ground work. While the members stood in silent tribute to their memory the silence was like the hush beâ€" fore a prayer. The first Institute being organized in Beachburg and the District Annuals being held there until 1918, it was most fittir}g and so like Beachburg to invite us there to celebrate and participate in a sumptuous banquet. Their welcome and happy spirit was so sincere that each member of the two hundred preâ€" â€"__ sent felt it was a personal invitation. The flowers were placed in the church (St. Andrew‘s United, the place of meeting) in memâ€" ory of Mrs. J. Barr, a deceased member of Beachburg, by her daughter. _ Honoured guests were the charter members of the first Disâ€" trict annual and proudly they wore the corsages presented with ~ love apd good wishes.. The corsages were presented by the executive. Some looked very young and others had the etching that years mark on the faces of those who are not afraid to step out with a new idea. __ Mothers and their daughters made interesting groups.. Mrs. Leslie Davis, District President, pinned the corsage on her; mother, Mrs. Thos. Guest of Queen‘s Line, a charter member 0f that first district annual. She also calléd on her mother to cut the Birthday Cake, with the 50 candles,. Other charter members‘