W : CONTENTS. PAGE THstory and) dessription of work.. 2. ulaum. ces ol onl e dn k 5 Beope of wosie nE Lm mo Lo L NO TL SC c ER S 0 . cllte t un Pb ..A & Why we should belong to the Women‘s Institute................. 9 (DHjpets DLE IALAALAL OOE e Ob lell LN Ece n ne ennert e en add 1 td 12 Organisation., 2 . â€"imee se ol n es Cunc l P rom ie ce l l e oo c M 12 iOA iOrean 22. 2e e Pect L ue oo e emn en n ol e t Ne on 13 The District Institute,â€"Officers. . . . .0. .. .l ll l ul n en ce e e e cuu ues 13 Tiestion of Districk Officere! ... .. .. su2 l len oo n DN UL ruueds , N 13 Raticn ofe® Aremie EL TL EL es To 2e ce se Pome SE o ME AOL 9. 15 Sexretngle Report 00 0 0.0. 900 se oenest ce es MemBNaSC T . N 37 The Branch Insiitute; â€"Of care. ... .10 .222 o uies t o o cmd El 20 ¢lectionot iBranch iO feers. . LC ... 920 .L o Aen e oumie i etiins it 20 Dutice of Brangh Offeers ) sns .. DLX . um L ns el . ahl old ns 21 (Merberehip. s s ceft re Ns 1 .0 eAE CCRLm e e L n on LEmomen) o. 23 Special information for Northern Institutes. ......1.......2.22... 2 WXE ns olare t noeconnene ane anie Bd un ulionubchneencom wihan 25 » Regulation regarding Legislative grant..............22...... 25 @Grants to Aranch Inslibibes.2.. ... l2 ce eentn ns a uiL 2L 25 Crents to Mistsict Inaifubes L ooue 11 onicte en oi ies 86 . : Expenditure of District Fands. ... ...0 000222000002 uebau ue es 26 Expenditure of Branch Fund8.......20000.009000eeee 220002 27 P e Horpin Mcre n on C 1 10 en t e oo enc i Te on 28 Adinisgion to meebings. . 100. .us. cu l nc uen L oL uven oOs Nes 28 Order of Meetings, â€"Regular meetings of Branches............... 29 Annual meeting of Branches and Districh. ................... 29 @uorpmert Ersus en come, Sn Ese out Lc n en den Semten one to 30 Some rales for ordinary, busingss. .. ... . . al l 0. u29e n es Oe L ies 30 (IGchentat Arlienis s o Leeninetns uoc ts o se tens L eoeaceenp Aamce 31 ' Commnittegs and thaelr work . u0 .0 mc n ous y . . ToL u. d cie o eniint s e 32 The organization and work of a Branch Institute................ 33 @Anoriffeonvention Luriun Salh L N0 MA C en ueL L Son Sen ce UnE L ME 84 Ragerticing s .. Cl Re Lo C DA Aue recu nc obeLepbuanenben s eel 36 PFOZTATAIM@®, 2. ... esc e en d n en en en n dn n n t nn bn n n n nb e en e n n e 87 Directions for printing handâ€"bills, programmes, and posters...... 44 Suggested lines of work by one of the workers.................+. 44 How to get girls to take part in. InstiGUb®. .. ... 0e e6 .00 en .e 6n 6n 46 Suggested topics fO® 8ULdy.. .ce e 6e e en 6c n n e ne Pn n n n n n e e en n ++ 46 General food SUBDJ@CH . . .. .lsn es enc snn en n n n dr n n en n en e e en 47 eamiss treg i o ie ns en oc ho Li taee Ae es t oo Sn s ceb 49 Hyglohe, . .02. .. ENNE (Po cnaiad ceb es on ebine e hen eaaeeinls 50 h Home SUTOUMGINGS. . .. .. 2l k ce enc ce t en n enb en n en en en en 50 AFehitertare of the home, 1. .. .22 u2l cen te n neu Py s e La ols se 50 Touge IMPRI8hiM®. . . .. «26e ce e en en e 6e e en n n n n n n en n n n n e en nb en 51 The table and. home IANM@@M@NbL . .. ... .220 e 09c ce en ++ 51 The faraily.. BL2L su.l fDoll D2 Nbrgl nuald tela ue uvale eauls cce 52 "he erbhonlin o SLGVLE un M on t Uea n 0 Lls W ile alataiele e elec + Plele 53 MBSscallsnentil . LL.L0 2. u.o ol s eatinal e es ue ue Mos en uie w ns solole 58 Suggested topics by MOREHE: . . .. .lsc en n ed en encb en n en n n n 6e n n n n 58 The housewif6‘8 Cal@NGAT. .. ... ce nk en e dn g n na e nn n n n n n n n ns 56 Cost and comparison by weight, and bulk of foodstuffs. .......... 59 List of books and magazines recommended for use of Women‘s tmetitutes s Mc ) .0. . LOfu en shti e ue ul o 0 Sens phta ns 60 Districts in which Women‘s Institutes may be Organized..... .. .. 64 < PatripH® 80BBR . . . ... cul l sulcl ons k eas eng secs ne balne s i be d n nb‘ TL [4] s in wl 1 Jt 1 Yss ul \