ï¬:i’mg%‘;g:s:ï¬_Sél;lrf;;(zrgl;lscilollixlf;;;:rrlldml’L:l}alhcsl-leatlth; I;laws | Qtle?)ec has done notable work on investigation of nursery schoohls all fevels af Gaove . s : e M 1t | and studies of curriculum of rural high schools; also on reforms in els overnment; Abolition of Salacious Literature; Use of the Protestant Women‘s Jail Canadian Made Goods, From these studies and campaigns have come | many local, provincial and national reforms and changes for the good > New Brunswick is the only group to operate a home for the aged. of both members and communities. \ They have both French and English groups and parts of their Conâ€" . . vention are conducted in both languages. Certain concrete projects have been common to all societies of . the Federation, with the exception of the Jubilee Guilds, which for Nova Scotia was instrumental in having the sc'hool ['aw amen.ded financial and geographical reasons are in a special position. Such to allow wife or husband of ratepayer to vote and in having cod liver pr(l)jects include : Scholarships (Home Economics, Nursing, Agriâ€" oil placed in schools. cultu ini i ; â€" > ; . bmthrlz’czie:sge:e;ï¬:;mi}[uss?gl;llys;z;n/:r;emszï¬â€™ ? ;lam?)/’\]“fblraâ€es Prince Edward Island has an extension van which }rav.els to Leadership Courses, ’ASSiStance in Adule Edl’m;i;? PS:;S :an:;’ outlying areas and was .mstrumental miï¬brmgmg about legislation re Assistance to Girl Guides, Coâ€"operation with 4â€"H Clubs (fofmerly; school age and preâ€"marital health certi cates: . . Boys‘ and Girls‘ Clubs), Farm Forums, Local and Provincial Fairs, Newfoundland and Labrador are organlzed as Jubilee Guilds C'“Z?“Ship Programs and Welcomes for New Canadians, Clinics of which have a threeâ€"fold program : Education, Social, Service. Selfâ€" all kinds, Assistance to Hospitals, Work in Mental Heal{h including help and use of local resources is stressed. ‘:FOUr§ge, Confidence, Retarded Children, Care of the Aged, Relief for Distressed Families 1 Unity" is their motto and "Earn and Learn" their slogan, j and Areas, Home and Highway Safety Programs, Civil Defence and commercial handâ€"woven materials of the Jubilee Guilds are widely lglrst 'Ald and Home Nursing Courses, Farm Housing, Community known for fine craftsmanship and find a ready market. hzs:tgicatlor;, Coqkbook§, Projects in the field of Adult Education * Certain projects, as follows, have been of particular importance een o particular interest at all levels. To quote Mrs. Sayre, on feoal level a Past ,Presxd.em of the International Organization, "The Federated # nulions. is2‘ V‘éomep s Institutes of Canada is one of the best examples of an adult War Effort education program at work". To quote from a Canadian publication, "No organization exâ€" ; . . r { in patriotic zeal and unselfish service in are aE?eC‘IJ g;::’:;lc:s }:135 outstanding projects of their own. Following 3:::1??m:‘\’/.om.:: Sef{fgiiltllljz:sbleenpmade to arrive at a complfete picture of the war effort of the Women‘s Institutes, Many provinces have British Columbia was instrumental in building the Queen records on file, others bave only 4 partial record, sg an _zlxcc;Jrz:jte Alexandria Solarium on Vancouver Island and the Crip;led Children‘s picture is impossible to acquire or tabulate. The records avai able do Hospital in Vancouver. show contributions valued at several million made in the First World War and more in the Second. _ War eï¬ort_lnc':luded' every type of D; /jilber!a was the first organization to be affiliated with the Alberta endeavour from buying Bren Guns _and_eqmppmg Ak'r Raid Ste.léers ivision. of the Canadian Cancer Society and financed the first free to sending seeds to Britain and distributing cookboo! s to war brides. radium in that province. The socks knit, the quilts made, the food boxes shipped, the War Bonds and Stamps purchased can never be accurately acco}mted but Saxkfztch_ewan Homemakers‘ Clubs have made a particular the records do show that the strength of the n1er}1bersh|p of the contribution in raising the standard of living of the Indian women. ‘ F.W.L.C. was hurled into the War effort in every possible c_hannel and Munt . CC.)m;"iim.led immeasurably to Canada‘s effort in those anxious years. anitoba has shown keen interest in the Provincial Drama . Women‘s Institutes have League and presents a trophy to the best actress in the Provincial In times of stress in Pe.aceml ts f the 1930‘s these groups Festival (The W.L sponsored the first one). ‘ proved their worth. In th? clllcfiï¬(;’l(l)l:lntén})eesogle aes well is the vgvomsn Buut were a nghold for men 2 4 Adigadt me tO'fâ€leo. mlfo’olzjeration with the Extension Service of the Departâ€" of Cfln:ldl-: ® Through the yeatrsh;:;y a:svzbreoizl‘ctlomlz\;l?enthgis:;?er? nt of Agriculture does outstanding work i i i "Charity" distressed areas 7 § i ive i s work _in Ceylon, Korea and Greeceg is wl;;?hsxgefnz::l.ial]:::lr:iaot;on;x; depressti}::n,t?lo()d’ strikes, the Women‘s Institutes live a}%am tk}etvx‘/:?rci: ‘ is their work in the field of Public Health, > of a Past President : "To relieve d,itress, to keep the home intact, ‘ _og more important than any Othe" task". | â€" 9 â€" \ V