ll MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Robt. Harvey, rebate dog tax . __.. 2.00 . Oct. -Neil MoGregor, 3 sheep ___F__.__TeT_T__ _.. ___.... 18.00 Leslie Campbell, rebate of dog tax .. _.. 2.00 y, Dec. -R, B. Dawson, rebate or business tax 1934 3.42 g s. Farrar, rebate dog tax .. v______ _ __. _....rrt_r. 1.00 A. Wolfraim, grant to nratorical contest 5.00 , Wilson & MoDougall, premium on Bond , for Collector ,etr-_rr_ ___-r.......' Tre_rv__ F-rrt_r_"'_ 20.00 p F. A. Black, telephone arrears Tqv Trr_____ 137.13 $831 24 T T RELIEF . Jan, LC. Brown re. Loveless -F_r_._r_-___.F___...tF___r___q_____ 21.00 M. Parish re. Peters and Cooper Frr_r.__ qrrrFr_ 24.76 Newman Co. re. Wells T___T____________ _rr___rrr_r_F____. 3.00 Fred. Harnden re. Loveless TVq_ Tr. TVT _ _______ 2.17 Thus. Verity re. Nichol, McGraw .. __________F__ 26.99 W. W. Mutton re. Baggnly .. _ qVq__V_ __q__._F___T_ 1.00 G. Thompson re. Wells qr.rrrrrrrrr_ _ _vTr__ _Vqqv 7.00 F. 1. Moore re. Wells and Baggaly TTV Trrrl 26.04 _ H. Pomeroy re. Wells __F_____ VeTVT . qrrrFr, F____rrr___ .95 W. .G. Covert re. Loveless t.,w, ____T_ ___q-_____r_P__-_ 3.25 H. G. McKay re. Loveless _e____ ______ ___F_v_____F_V 9.00 A. Holmes re. Loveless Frrr_ qF___Ferr_rrrrrrrr__F» 6.05 Fred. Hamden re. Loveless .rr__ _rr___________rrt 2.17 F. P. Strong re. Loveless ' 'rr-' T _errt__rFrrr_ 3.00 C Thos, Verity re. McGraw, Nichol F__Ft_FrerrF 29.97 M. Parish re. Seepy, Peters, Cooper T_____ 31.60 ' F. I, Moore re. Bookout, Baggaly .. _________ TVV 16.98 [ Feb. -Thos Verity re. MoGraw _,t.t,,.qr__rr__t___VV'F_r___ 24.88 G. Thompson re. Wells __t_t___ "tq' '___-__ __. TFrrrw_ 7.00 l l _ G. B. Tait re. Wells _rF_____ _.,.,,.'.:,-.., W 525 M, Parish re. Seepy, Peters, Cooper qFrrr_ 36.94 F, Strong re. Loveless qqr.rrrrrrrrr__ _rrrt"_r_r_r_r-r_ 6.00 D. J. White re. Cooper t..t....r.rr"rrr__ "__"-__,.. 5.75, P. ‘Hamden re, Loveless, Peters ,r____________q_ 7.98 N H. cr: McKay re. Loveless, Simpson ______ 16.00 P. I. Moore re. Stapley, Bookout .. qVqFqV TVV 16.69 a. W. Peterson re. Peters ___.__tr"r__w___"-t_r____r_ 14.00 Mar. _--H, G. McKay re. Loveless, Simpson __. .. 24.00 M. Parish re. Cooper, Nichol, Peters and Seepy __rq___________ 'rrr..._r___r_t,,.. 38.76 D. J. White re. Cooper TVV .. .. '-qr.. "r"___.. 5,75 W. Theobald re. Peters ___. T T .. _-____r______r__ S4 F. Strong re. Loveless .. _ _vrTT ___ T Trv. ___. 9.00 \ Lorne Darling re. Beams q_.F__r'r"-'-_"""FF_'__T 5.28 - Thus. Verity re. MAG-raw and Nichol __r_ 18.50 Mathew Bras. re. McGraw _..r-_" .. _ "F"'Wq._ 4.00 H. Pomergy re. Hcams, Chapman ,rr____r_ 8.16 P. Harnden re. Loveless and Peters .. TVT 5.56 Corp, of Oshawa re. Johnson _ TeTrVerV_ 66.13 .F. L Moore re. Stapler, Taylor, , _ Bookout and Chapman __r_ .. _ Trv vrq 34.18 Apr. -M. Parish re. Seepy. Peters, Cooper .. _ 35.80 L. Darling re. Beams TrVrr_r_e_ . _ . _r___ ., 12.60 T A. Bray re. Hearns qrrrFr_, v_rrr__ .. .. .. .. T ___ 2.25 .7 F. Goodrich re. Hearns vi-T. qrrr_rrrrq .. _ _vv_ 6.50 ' 't Thos. Verity re. McGrew V T . .. _ ___r__ 15.01 Mathew Bros. qrrrqrrrrertrrFrrrrr_rrrrrrrrr_ .. Trr... TVV 5.00 . F. Harnden re. Loveless, Peters ., .. VrTrv 5.25 l H. McKay re. Loveless .. .. ______r, _VVq_V .. 15.00 C S. Sabins re. Loveless _rceT . _ _ .. ., . . 7.00 't' 1“. Strong re. Loveless .. _F_r__-___ .. _ '___-r.. 3.00 _ F. I. Moore re. Bookout, Wells _ _ _____ _____r_ 23.63 C M. Parish re. Seepy, Peters VVqV ___ _ _"__,_ ___ 2748 May .--L. Darling re. Beams .. _____-r____ . ______r_ 8.37 l