Castleton WI, The Telephone System of the Municipality of the Township of Cramahe, 1938, p. 2

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OPERATING ACCOUNT - REVENUE AND EXPENSES CRAMAHE MUNIGlPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM The following is a Condensed Statement of Revenue and l 1 B l _ l REICIIIIEILPTS " .. $ 5ll3 0,. , . "_- .nn. -ihJ'cWr0iLtC'uRnkn1 1. twww"-.-.'...'... 9".0 Expenses fm the year' ending December 31st, 1938: '.yr-1Bank o? Conrn1eyrvre, collections w....." 150.02 REVENUE Feb, 3--R. S. Newman, collections _ _ E. . . . . . E ' . ' ' 177.91 . _ ' ' ' . 16-u01, c. Brrusrutieyld colleclinns .1.......E 72.93 1 Subscribers levies My lord for pr'rncipal, inter. I C, . _ . l. est and maintenance. colleotcd ........... f' 1570.71 . _ Zf*(I:IMI1Ix 'fo?I't1ncit) collections ........ 43.5% 2 Subscribes s levies {or 1938 for prineipal, inter , Mar. (rr1r'rgyd 1';i1tit)ls A . ' . . ' _ A . . _. .. 10 00 est and maintenance, uneolleeted .. _ . .. ' . .. . 1058.13 lil" L, . "gli/i, lcollectienvl-I .1... ......... 94,12 3 Non-subsrr hers rcnlels [or 1938, collected .. 663.70 l _ Ti/i , 'J,1'idtolleil', 2 _ _ . ' . . . E. ' ' . . . 'iiii 1 Non scut,rseribsxa's rentals for 1938, aneolleeterd .. 219.50 l Tg kaufhc I Pn'tl _ 'llccl- ' l” .. *' 33:9; ii Local tolls from nonusulrsreribers, nay stat nus. 31-/ an 0 cmunnce, T 1011b .._._.__ . ' etc'._r_"" ., 69770 Apr, 'i-IR. S. Newman. culleulwns ..r.rr.___.'r. 75.26 6 Fran] the Bell Telephone Co, for commission on ”Th, collections _ . ' r'.' ' . ' ' ' V . V ' V .. 11439 long distance tolls __."""""' . . . . . . . ... 313.07: 30-Bouk of Commerce, eo1r1eCt'romy . .. _ ' . . . 148,78 7 Nev. earnings from tolrs to and from other May 5-5 S. Newman, collccuons . ' . ' . ' . .. . . ' 170.32 Ers‘tcrrls than the Bell .r.r.-r..r..w_.ww"". 5-Ale11tra1 Orfiee, tolls .r.. 17.00 S Miscellaneous receipts _.______ _..... ....v 10.44 5--3, Yardy, collections "'.'."'d"""'"""" 28,55 ------"-ee 31-lHcnk of Commerce, Collections . . . _ ' ' . . _ 60 .08 0 Total revenue w....w._..emw..."www""""" $3939.35. June "2--Lorncp, Darling, collections __.. ..._.__ 40.42 fr-R, S. Newman, collections _ . ' ' . _ PV .. . . ' .. . 39.35 7-M. C, Br,wmtield collections .... ' . , ' " 02.00 EXPENSES t V , " J/ 6Mt - in Operators salaries 'V.-.-.. .. ..............$1420-00 "--is2,g%'iolt"jf//: '_'."".'.'..'",','.",',',",'."".', 2.71.0 11 Annual Tj/e,litr, tee “and to the Bell Telephone 246 24 30--f3aulr of Cnnunierce, crrlieeticus . . _ .. . . . . ' 36.01 i D ICI‘oninnIly or ether 'tr-ste?,?,?, l,' . . . . .. _ . . . ' ' 'V' 23673.1 July" Sell. S. Newman, collections. _ . _ . . . ' . . . . . .. 79.81 I l: il,e1j1,'ttii,r,111"Ci' (li, '/?jjl1//'sr),)i'0'lf'ies' 'rc.'.',".'.'..'," 1i'/ii.'.is"i Township 9f Halvrlimand, collections .. 10.00 I 14 iji"iiiiisiiGGii," salaries ....E........E........ 160.00 E:RL01£8N23‘11,2: 23111122233: ..eF..t.__ I. 2333 15 Secretary 11ml T1v"dsl"?T salariesI I' ' F . _ . I' _';,' ”I 100.00 19#L0rne Darling, collections . ' . .E . .. .. 2699 16 Oman salar cs __ audlIms. elerkrs, tntttryi'nill1 .7 oo (rl-Bunk of Commerce, collect’ous ..._..._ _ 167.68 ofilceIS.e-t}u ..r' .. _..-.......-'""""' 34's; A.n;‘:...2i.l.Ynntlv.collectiuns......,,............ 38.15 17 gens. heal, 11.31:? I ”Hag V . I F . - I . . I"." 1ir, G Township of (Immune. collections arrears 106.23 1.8 ta, itonery, DTIIL Ing', INS, e ---“-‘I'"--""' . 34%. C. Bymymiield, collections .. .... .. 551.30 19 Insurance and 1TlorkintyD's Compensation ...... 1347 g? R. bl, Newman, collections ...........11. 26.05 20 Sundries _..rr--_""' .. -----i_'r1f_'" 13-.A.I.Yrr<1,v. collections -___.q._..__wP_.t_ 73.40 .1 T t 1 F; em! n e 33801 20 Worhmen's Compensnliun Board, refund. 10.44 'd .1021 op0rsV1rW N FY h' 5. _...wwee.e-r.N-wr"' r ' . Bank of Commerce. collecL'cos ________ 78.72 2? Gross income less operating exn‘cnscs ........ 138.15 Sent. 3-T m-ne Darling. rxollerrtirons .............. 73,34 t-. - T V , ' 33803.“... on temporci'y Jcans ........,......,.. “ll .3}: 1sa)i'rT,'r1l',/,1,l,1t:t.o.1j'Ir, :::: :::::::: $332 24 Interest, on notes aud bus w.......'. .. .. 128,111; ll. 0131031110901 colleclious ..___t._ .. 29.07 ‘ 2.5st? Income m.................'..-'--'-"""" [cru7. 31--13anlcof Commerce.collection _.___.__._ 411.51 De uc - . Oc", s-n. S T ' C l l .. 1 _ 26 Principal and interest on debentures 1938 .. .. 1 Ill, Pylon-n. “5:39;; 531113332: '_'.'.','.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'. 2238 iZdFHTDmS for the year ...,we..-.....'we--""" 38. D 22-Tu"mpire Foods, CH., tel. and 101156...” 58.61 ..4 "- " ip, [ 28 Surplus new“... an». 1%] _eetw.r--rr_."' 103%? ii Ci".ei111ldvT?/fireitro/c",'ls, V 'C.'.','.'.'.".','.'.'.'.','.'. .210 29 Surplus December 31st, 1935 .. ' .rr_.,..te-"' ar.0t . 31-vank ”.- Co-eros. cvlle2tions Fr....-. 101.76 . Nov. I-R. R, Newni'm. (*oller‘tiolns ..1....... .. 102100 SAM. C. TR"oomficlr6, collect'ons . _ . . .. ' ' . . . 30.00 CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT-YEAR ENDING DEC. 31,1938 PJ--Torrte Darlinz, collection: ..vt._._t.... 71.41 RECEIPTS " Bank of Commerce, rollections . _ _ .. . _ . .. $5.70 From Date of By-Law for Establishment of System Dev. 'I-J, Vanly. oollecH’Wis ." . _ . ' ' . . ' . .. . ' . .. 57.90 _ 30 From temporary loans to Jam Ist, 1933 E.. . _ _ nil 557R. S. NIewmrn. collections . . _ . . . ' _ .. . . _ 134.80 31 Frcm proceeds of debentures to Jan. Ist, 1938 37000,00 I,',]-','."":,?:?,? of fl?,ryhe. “TIGHTS telephone 127.13 32 From subscribers in Leu of (l-ebeutui es to Dee. 197"; Yartly. ":lhec IOils ..'. . . _ . . . - . . . _ .. A -- 24.00 l '31st,1037.... .. ....wr._...rt""""'"" 1083.79 ?s?rS:ttra1ori"c_to1,r,isr.- ..___________. 3.66 I 33 From Lemporary loans in 1033 w.-.--rwwwe-""'" nil ZDAR. S. Remnan, collect'cns _._.r..Fr._eP_ 95,73 :74 From proceeds of deben'ures in 1938 .....1,. nil Slilonvs ?cElint collections / . . . . .. _ ' . .1. 66.53 35 From subscribers, in lieu of debentures in 1933 nl 31-Bank 01 Commerce, collect on; .__V_... 69.45 $380837!) $4487.48 DISBURSEMENTS , EXPENDITURES From Date of By Law for Establishment of System Jun. 1r-1ir1orlcmeu's Cmrnensnlion Hoard w,_..,F,', 1200 to December Mst 1937 s-w. Baxter, audi'or .F....FrF.V...__..r._ 3.50 , _ . 22-rLLane,aiiditor .r_.-...rr__......_m.. 3.50 36 Temporary loan. repayment to Dec, 31cst, 1037 1111 22--G, B. Tait, ace. supplies ..FVrr..q__..t.. 16.82 37 Expemled on plant and equipment to Dec. 311511. .,. " 2'.l--C,ullhcv,rne Express, printing; statements, 1937 C.".,"....-..-.........-..--""'" 99 l /iei/srycrii'yaci,:rr.' .._.m..F._ 23.50 Ye r Endin December 31st 1938 "7.. art y, 50 ary_ anum'y ..... . _ . . ' ' . _ .. b10.00 'd8 Temporary lu, i'enai’menfc, in .1538 ITC,. nil ngBEI TEL DO., switching and tolls $Vre_.r_ 206,16 Ill) Emended on plant and equ'pmeul in 10.78. _-. nil 3%:TIT Qévgllgi" J1hydiq,',1"j?? refund __ Ir/il 40 Bayarrcry unexpended on Dec. 31st, 1938 P' Ill 22-up. A. Thompson, cure of linll annual meet- ing...--, ......"___._.__ 1.00 T _ 31--Bauk of Commerce, culled. 11g accounts,. 1.95 BALANCE SHEET FOR YEAR ENDING DEC.31st, 1938 Fen. I-A.R. Jones, tax return .re..F....__..e. 4.63 T- -A. E. Jones hydro account ..... . . . . . . . .. 11.64 ' SET , Fixed-- AS s 'ijjlrf211. Telephone 00.. tolls .P.PFPP'VV.PP. 32.33 I _ tlt .r..t.ww"""'" 38033.79 .. --Northern Electric Co., supplies ..F....' 54A)7 44SI, 1.3:? aziiatlteenurpmc It '.'."".,"'.C./.C."..... _ _ , 000.00 '2rr-Cothormy Express, priming blank state- .. .C' ,"'.“" __. _......rr-rrr'""" 180.00 FtT ments .-.. .rw_rr._wt"..__Fw.FFr, 6.25 C r,1ihri,'t' FY A " _ . 234%? isovclcss, 23 lirIs. work. ..,.. .11.. .... 4.50 y _ . I . _ ' .... 267.1.Ghent,50poes.....1....1........ 40.00 gij 511-2053113151": 132:5;11?111%Z:d m previous yir'it'S 1508 33 28-03and of Commerce, collvching acconnis .65 t C 0 ' I. ' _ w",:',":,',,",'..,".,','.,",',,' _ Mm: 25-J, andyI bal. sal. due April lst P___v__. 165.00 46 llamas \igigileggzg in prevAms years and up 424 24 25chn {Telephone Co., tolls . ' . . . . . E. . ' ' . ' 35.04 o ec. .-_ w--.-"'-",",',',,",",",'.',' "‘ 25-H,Moore,rods,ete----- 4.50 if Tolls uncalleMedI in previous years and up to 465 20 ZEQF. Loveless. 8 hrs. work ......__..FF..__ IAN 48 “Die: idst, JI?), .... ....... _ . E. ............. 10000 25-1N1orlcmem's Compensation Board, CUiseseH “arena on n1muct we....'. .. w,ee...w____" .‘,. ment rr..e.r..'.ww_...r_.".r_'__ .. 5.09 49 Cash in 1.3.1.]; and on hand _.e..r--.wr'_""' 220;: 25-J. Yardy, trailer liceaase .r..__.._...__._ 2.00 Twirl Ty,' 2S--Frank Wilee, ladder _.______ __... .. 1.80 , - -., _lv 31-BaTok of Commerce, colleciiug ucuonn‘su .20 LIABILITIES Apr. 16%Nortlier'n Electric Utr,, supplies . . . E. . _ ' 117.8S Fixed--. ' 23--Thos, J. Cook, 40 oles ....rrF.rr..rrr_ 30.00 M) Demeuture principal unpaid on Dec. Mit, 1038 ml _ 'ij'--,,;;,')";',,,",; Electra (IT, supplies _.___p__ 63.90 51 Celeb payments hy subscribers in lieu of annual IOS?, 79 2r3-ABeli Telephone Co., tolls .._. _ . I . . . . ' ' . 34.83 levy "w-'--.":","".","."','-,',,',"',,',',,",",',';',".,--. .1.- 20-Johrt Yardrsalary ._....-___._..___.__ 110.00 1232 Bilgemnre priiicmal naErl to Dec. 31st, 1033.. 31000.00 29--W. LOVele=s, 48 hrs. work we...--..'..-' 9.60 u" --. _ . . ,: I F . .. . 20--0i'. A, Black freight and canines: 'Fee b5rt 1.70 53 T221332; 2i1eriii)1l),,sr'1.f1"-i' and 1'efrdF able hy .er V 20-M. Mch-egdrI Macksnnn. work .-.._..F.. 5.00 PP. '."fi" JY""",'::',',,',",".'.',,'.'.:', . 30-Eank of Commerce c'Nleetinyiacryw 5.. 1.95 " Arlvances by muvieipality and repayuble out of nil Mar III-A. F's. Jtonee, hydro’acct. ".".1.1?', VF' y __ 1.1.57 II ff,),',',','?,?',:,,;,',,',, .. we........----"""""" nil 11-4Pctnarr'eople,stee11ath,,.-...-,..., 44.10 if; 1c'teys'i'1y"rd?//2rci,rr, . ' ' . .. ' . .. ...FP' _ . _. _ .. nil 30-Bell relenehque Co., directories $40.50, ' n r. (.9. £. _.,..rwr-_.r""""" _,_ tolIsMIAl.. .. ..r-e.rr..rr....r' 88.94 57 Surplus: '._..w..w..,.ww---wrwrw"""""""" 7,994.03 JO-ith-lm Electric Co, supplies _pe_____ 53.28 "n #: 30--Pedlar People, material . . . . ' ' . ' ' ' . . E ' .. 1.70 $1.041n. 30--R. Oha.ttcrson, material $13.51, work $13.13 26.61 30--F, IEr‘Monre hair....,,,,....,...., .. 6.'25 CERTIFICATE , . . 3(r-irrnan Lane, 26 hrs, truck ........E,,, 20.80 We ccrlily inn-L the annexed statement of RcVleC Mr-J. Brown, lumber r."t _.. E . . . . ' ' . . . .. .. 65.40 and Expenses Consirncllon Account and Balance Sheet 3(r-rTteya1olds & Keeling. malarial ' . . ' ' ' .. .. 1.65 exhillit a true and correct, view of the state of the Srcstenrs 'i(lrfili'yl 'i,0jf,ig1,1."'; I','rd?'s carpenter work 131223 'ri-, 'r2t7rWTr _ .g. ' .= ,m emu .._....e..__ .. .... am": as on Dream“ 3151. 1933- My-tAmt-r WrWraiitn, work $6.25, lime 75c.. 7.00 ll led tl is 1411 (Irv f J; ao", 1938. 'YI-EP, Loveless. 160 hours work .. 'P._. ' F» 32.00 'd n: , y o am“ 30-F. Prom, 57 hours work ..........,.,,_, 11A() H. LANE w. R. BAXTICR Andilm'e‘. 30--AUrert Riley, hal, tttto Plastering t_..... 34,70

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