U NITE Do CH UR CH OA DD I T IO NS se innnggennreager ie t ce ho n in mtcz immiak . mmmowo 2 During the ministry of Rev. E. Doe black choir gowns were purchased. In 1961 new gowns and hats (green) were bought. A gift from the estate of the late Miss Mary Campbell made this possible. A church to be really alive must be mission minded. From June 1925 to the end of 1962 givings to Missionary and Maintenance fund of the church (Unified Budget) was approximately $69,300. The year of lowest giving was 19h0 â€" the highest 1962. Just a few comments regarding the property. The day of the horse and buggy has gone, and with it went the tearing down of the sheds which stood across the west, north and east sides of the yard. Other than this the church grounds with the old maples standing guard at the front entrance appear about the same as in 1925, The old maplesi Under its branches the young men waited patiently (or was it impatiently?) for choir practice to end,. Inside, however, the two coal burning furnaces and the little box stove have been replaced by a modern oil heating system,. In 1955 a bequest from the estate of Mrs. Fred Walters made possible the renovating of the basement. This included a cement ‘. floor covered with tile, rewiring, new light fixtures â€" a complete redecorating job â€" 110 new chairs, and the Communion service which is in use. The Women‘s Association at the sare time purchased new drapes at a cost of $225.00. New kitchen cupboards, and new dishes were purchased in 1962 (Miss Mary Campbell‘s gift of $185.00 was used as part payment). A gas range, an electric refri gerator (a gift of the Murray family) running water from a drilled well outside the west wall, makes our work much easier.