by all who attended, when friends from far and near renewed old friendships â€" truly a happy occasion,. As early as April 5, 1926, a meeting was called to consider the question of enlarging the church, and in May of that year a committee was appointed to employ the architect. T. F. Myers, W. J. Stoddart, Rev. Harston, F. C. T. Snith were the members of commibttee. Apparently plans did not go beyond committee for not until 1963 was anything further done. Then an addition was built to the north east side of the building. In this building are two new class rooms, a choir room with closet space for choir gowuns, an entrance and two washrooms. In 1962 the U.C.W. ladies had a guest book placed at the rear of the church. The bracket supporting it was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon English. Mr. English designed and installed it, being mindful to have the carving on it match the carving on the ends of the church pews. Mr. English did the carving on the bracket. . (Mrs. Stanley) Ethel Murray BEQUESTS TO UNITED CHURCH 1. In 1925 the sum of $1,000.00 was bequeathed by Mrs. Jessie Campbell to the Presbyterian Church W.M.S. for the support of a cot in the hospital in Hearst, Ontario, in memory of near friends of Mrs. Campbell. The interest on this investment was to be used by the W.M.S. Treasurer perpetually for mission work. It came into the W.M.S. of the United Church at Union â€" automatically. 2. In 1939 Mr. and Mps. W. J. MacPherson, assisted by friends in the Bay of Quinte Conference Branch W.M.S. invested the sum of $540.00 for the support of a cot in the Orthopedic Ward of the W.M.3. hospital in Hearst, Ontario. A plaque to the memory of Mary J. MacPherson was placed on the wall by the cot. No interest on account of investment assisted by Bay of Quinte Conference Branch ladies. 3. In 1945 there was a bequest from the estate of the late Mrs. David Johnston to the amount of $250.00 â€" interest to go through the W.M.S. of the United Church â€" perpetually â€" (now the U.C.W.) for missions. L. In 1960 Mr. Howard Wellington invested the sum of $250.00 with the Woodville United Church W.M.S. to perpetuate the memory of Mrs. Wellington. The interest of this to go through the treasury of the United Church Women‘s organization, perpetually, for mission work (now the U.C.W.).