& have been sponsored. | From time to time liberal donations have been made to every conceivable organization such as Red Feather, Polio, Salvation Army, Retarded Children, Red Cross, Memorial Hospital, Sudbury Saniterium, Pioneer Manor and a host of others as well as locally to Girl Guides, Rink Committee, sick and elderly residents at Christmas, and flowers to the bereaved. Waters delegates have had the pleasure of attending District &nmuals, Area Conventions, Quelph Conferences, and the A.C.W.W. gathering at Toronto. Visits to other branches have also been enjoyed. Many have benefitted from the training in leadership which is one of the chief aims of the W.I. Not only in local organizations but in national and world affairs women, much to their own surprise, have found themselves taking an active part made possible by their kumble branch, training in parliamentery procedure,. As a closing note may be mentioned one of the oldest achisevements of the Yeisrs W.I. also the latest undertaking. Next time you go to the mail box, say a word of thanks to the Waters Women‘s Institute for it was they who brought this service to your door in 1939. To the Dead, the members are now paying their respects by raising funds to improve the local cemetary, truly a lovely spot to rest in peace. The following information was submitted by Mrs. Jessie Hamilton who was instrumental in bringing the Institute to Waters Township and has been Oour back bone ever since. Without her enthusiasm and untiring efforts there were times when the institute might not have survived.