# For the Secretary â€" Mke. Jean Tousignant 1980 â€"_ fullic Relations Officer‘s Report â€" Sydenham liomen‘s Inctitute The following is a summary of the various aclivities that the membero of Sydenham Uomen‘a Instiiute have been involved with during the past year: Tor our MRay lleeting, for the Agrieultuzre & Canadian Industries we had liz. I, Bozrenko come and give us an interesting talk on llodein Beef. Raising and. he also showed. us aome slides. ie sent a menber, lire» Betty Roberis, to the liaterloo Officers Convention, In June we again catered. z0 the Banguet dinner for the Canadian Rational Inotitute for the Blind in Kingotons At our Junc. Meeting we had a Consultant from the Board of. Education requesting new coursea or improvement. with the Right School Courses for the Tall. We catered to a wedding in June. We sold Carnation LMowers for the benefit of Muecular Dyatioplupe le entered the Kingoton Tair Contect and our Bread liaking Dioplay came. in firet! ‘ le had a successful Bake Sale in July. For our September lleeting we had the lion, Judge Nalanith speak "Cn the lear of. the ChdAd". Jn October we had an excellent speaker on "Ruitrition". At the Sydenham lHigh School‘s Commencement, we again sponsored a Bursary in the amount of. $100.00 for a Grade 12 student wha will be proceeding to a higher level of. education, Chn November 11th we cotered to the Royal Canadian Leqion, Rranch 496 in Sydenhan for the annual Beef. Dinnei. : Cuz NRoventer lleeting was held. again at Tairmount ltome. for the Aged, We ‘ chowed. slides on Old. itomestead and points of. interest in our azea, which the old folk really enjoyed., ‘ ie participated as clouns in the Loughborough Fire Department‘s annual | Santa lavs Parade,. We prepared. and acaved. a twitkey dinner with all the trimnmings to the Loughhorough Tounship Residents, 70 years and over, and sent out 12 takeâ€"out dinners to the ditke Ouz Christmas lleeting io always a happy. 2ime when we exchange gifte that we have either nade or baked. Several. of. our members attended. the Cuswel Course and the Sunmary Day Diopay was held. here in Sydenhans For our January lleeting we had. Ann and Peter Trousdale, both local lawyer4, ereck to us on fmw of COntorio and TFanidly fars