l, siliENhAM WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEWS, _ " Tit -. . 12:. l . . -- " , " . 7 j ', ‘i T _. Joyce Coupland (i , IltlllMllMiliBl- It E Ill tit illl 1 Our recent meeting of the Sydenham g ' _ E E! I] ' A ( Women's Institute was'held on Tuesday i ' _ While the winds of change) ‘ . 1 November let at Fairmount "1lirtcsit1tm'61Ee ' I sweeping over the countrysidein ‘ at Glenburnie. We betan our program ht. I the last half of the 20th century, _ 7:30 p.m. with the Jug. Band from Sydetv- , Prve $9me many of thelong- , 1 ham High School. They played and. sang I tune institutions, the Women's r ', numbers and were warmly received by P l Institute has remained giving T many . . ' l g continuity and stabilityto rural i all. The group included' Karrie Barr, I d ‘ "'Ce.eeyrhtiryffrtellir, this great ’ Joanne Barr, Angela Jompeon,Robert I , \group of Cuuntrywomen has [ Beazer, Dave Lees, Mikelchaughlan, Jim a sgrown stronger over the years-UL , ', Tregenza and Mark Sands. ‘ , s,iorruoting"trt?tter homes fora ' ‘ T hrs. Donna Thomas, on behalf of the l ' better country." _ i Sydenham Women's Institute, presented a 2 , . True P the outreaching and l gift to Mrs. Leah Hartman for her 10 yrs ‘ "C, 't'l'lnl'rallffiUd', ,tlt,rg,t,g,ii',t,itit of i as a leader and her outstanding work ‘ mes ion, y enham Wo- b, _ . d nham k-H Club. She has de- . , men's Institute h - With the Sy e . . I , served-a Christin: 'lirr'eget(,ate, I I , voted so much tim? and afield: to this senior citizens of L9ughborough } group and ssvtone.1ove? er'. r Township for the p'ast 23 years, t We then had a sing-song of old time ' _beginningDec.6,1962. V . [ songs, led by Mrs. Joyce Coupland with i For the past few years the , ', Mrs. Hilda Campbell accompanying on the i d ‘ event has been co-sponsored by "" . piano. The ladies of the R.1. served , Branch 496 (Sydenham) of the , ' I delicious refreshments and while the , ' Roya1thmttdian Legion, which _ L i residents retired to their rooms, the , 3121?:nt gel??? of the teu- visitors held their business meeting. _ - 2lllslii',',f."m a or the have i , Arrangements were made for the , f The Legion is to be highly , ‘ I Sydenham Women's institute float on in [ ' , commendedformaintaining and ‘ ‘ Old-Fashioned Christmas theme -for t e , beautifying an important historic 1 , Santa Claus Parade on Sat.Dec.2nd. ' ' r local landmark, known in its ear- g . Plans were finalized for the Senior , , o',iesri,p,',tis, t'ht,tii22,11; lending i Citizens Christmas Dinner Party on , , a Signl tcant hosts gic note for ' 2: 0 in the Le ion ' , ‘ thisyear’sparticipants, ll , f/IT."'" Dec. 7th at 1 3 g1 2 Lillian Charlton who, with her _ . . l . t H I brother Ted Day, played violin , The Sydenham Women s Institu , ome ' duets, recalled hearing their fa- 'r and Country Cook Book is now available , . _ ther Bailey Day play the same L ( from members for $2.50. This would make I ‘ tunes on thesamtyioliy60yeartr I V a lovely Christmas gift! _ J ago at the-sacred Christmas con, , _ The "S otlight on Bread" Course will , , certs held 1n Wesley Hall i I p _! "My father's old violin ispre- i . ', be held at the home of Mrs. Hilda Camp- , ' cious to me, actually worth many i - , bell on TuesdaysNov.28 and Dec. 5th. Al _ times more than aStradvivarius '; , 1 Our leaders will be Mrs.Ileen Kemp, , I tome,"shesaid. _ . p E l Hrs. Lois Peer, Mrs.llilda Campbell and , ‘ .7951 Day was intergalned by i i Mrs.Dorothy Thomas.We are going to have , ‘ , It friends Norman Ritchie and l _ another Spotlight on Bread Course in , ud Edmunds of the famous _ C J f th h bl ti l , Kingston District Oldtime Fiddi- , an)1ary or y"? W o were una 9 o ers' Association to play the toe- attend and this 15 open to anyone? not , tapping country, folk and rail- [ Just members. You are presented withca ' road songs. Mary Lloyd-Jones ' [ wonderful cookbook - no charge for the t contributed vocal solos,accom- , l. book or course. Watch for the dates! "i Iyylied on the organ by Kenneth . I i Our Christmas Meeting will be at th , , ts,irf,Tgtrthrag'uihr/llsl1W1' ’ l the home of Mrs. Ileen Kemp on Mon.Dec. , Loughborough School to sing' ' ‘ a 18th. You are asked to either Make or 2 special songs. _ ' Bake Your Gift for the gift exchange. , Bill McDonald, who was also i ‘ If you would like to attend, please l master of ceremonies, sang the f, call Joyce Coupland at 376-3809 fér - beloved Carol o Holy Night and [ transportation ' we have an enrolment , rehdapoem written by the late f? of 60 members and we are always looking l d Mabel Curtis. Thelma Ennis, a I 3 for new members. ‘ ‘ senior-citizen guest, recited the l l ., ' _ t The Taming Of Eli Hopkins and l l_,,, _--.-.--------- - _ I '7 - , Diane Brett, president of the Wo- l, r men's Institute, welcomed the 'l _ l guests, as did Lillian Huggard, l i vice-president of the Legion, ( . _ while Reeve Rein Vandewal of " ' Loughborough Township exl ‘ t 5-. tended a civic welcome. 1 r? a El El 1 I;